Chapter eighteen:reaction

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(Katy's POV)

Just as I was going to open the door, I heard a small voice say "I remember when you use to push me on the swing..."

My eyes got watery. my heart skipped a beat. I was frozen. I couldn't believe it. is she getting well, is she really getting well?

But she heard me. she heard me yelling at her. how can I be so mean to someone who didn't even know I was there.

"Sweetie I'm so sorry" I said as tears began to trickle down my cheeks. I don't even know if she is still here or if shes back in that world she's been stuck in.

"Baby, are you there?" I asked as I touched her hand. She flinched but then continued to stare off into space.

(Jade's POV)

I like living in this other world. not many things bother me. I know i don't know anyone around me, but I still like this world.

"Baby, are you there?" the lady with tears asked. I remember her...i don't know why her, but I remember her from when I was small.

"Please if your still here answer me" the lady said as I looked at the wall.

(Katy's POV)

I stayed in the room for a few more minuets then went back down where Angela was watching tv.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" Angela said jokingly

"Jade spoke to me" I whispered still shocked and full of hope that my baby might get better.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Katy!! I love you.

Here is the second. Chapter we hope you all are enjoying it love you all. xx


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