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Women are stronger emotionally, mentally, psychologically, behaviorally:

- women generally don't give up on all men just because one man has hurt her; and it's a good thing that women are strong enough to not judge all men the same after one man has hurt her. If women did, there'd be a lot of lonely guys walking around! I mean, what person alive hasn't been hurt by someone from the opposite gender? If a man is hurt by one woman, he may not be strong enough to put himself in another situation where he can (potentially) get hurt again. He may generalize and say all women are the same and vow to "never fall in love again. I'll just use women from now on." (Personally, I think it may be an excuse to justify using women for what he can "get out of her".) - women are generally more in touch with their feelings; women fall in love easily,if women are sad/hurt, they'll handle the pain in a more healthy way by releasing it in the form of crying or some other outlet. Fathers will often teach their sons (through word and example) to not show emotion, feelings, etc. Daughters observe this and when they grow up and become mothers, they will (sadly) often raise their sons to be "tough and strong" and not show emotion. Even if a mother allows her son to be his true sensitive self, the father will often undermine her authority, criticize, and accuse her of turning their son into a "mama's boy", a sissy, etc. - women are generally more forgiving and trusting; a woman often forgives "her cheatin' man" and takes him back. A guy often leaves/divorces a woman who's been unfaithful to him and never takes her back. If he does take her back, he often does so in order to "make her pay for what she did" to him. He'll often physically and sexually assault her, stalk her, seek revenge for "her betrayal", and (too often) kills her. A woman often goes back to her abusive partner and gives him another chance (in case "things work out" or "he'll change"), all the while making excuses for him/defending him (in the way of explaining his behavior) to her family and friends.Women are often more trustworthy and therefore more trusting, believing what a man tells her. For example;when a man says he wants to online chat with a woman, she'll believe it's an innocent chat but the man will often use it to masturbate,when a man asks a woman out to dinner, she thinks that's what his intentions are when, in fact, his intentions are to have sex with her for "dessert",when a man asks a woman for nude pictures of herself and swears he'll never show them to anyone, she'll often give them to him - only to find out (later on) that all his friends have seen the pictures and they've since been uploaded to the internet for the whole world, literally, to see, etc.- women are usually willing to commit to a long-term relationship while guys often prefer to have a one-night stand or a casual affair that doesn't last long so he can "get out of it before it gets too messy, complicated", etc.;men often go to great lengths to be intimate with a woman but then after the intimacy is over, he acts like nothing transpired between them. He had his pleasure, he got what he wanted, and now he wants to leave. Or to use a term often used by guys: "catch and release". What is she, a fish?! - women "feel the fear" and do what needs to be done anyway; many men don't face problems, ignoring them, hoping they'll go away. For example, so many men refuse to go to the doctor/dentist, hoping the problem will just "disappear on its own" - often making a bad situation worse. Many men drop off their wives/girlfriends at the hospital when she's about to go into labor so he can escape to the nearest bar and not think about "all that pain". If only women had that luxury!! - women generally aren't as superficial/shallow; women often fall in love with someone without any ulterior motive, including someone who isn't rich, good looking, has power, etc. On the other hand, men will often only be interested in a woman if there's something in it for him. What's the first thing that often comes out of a guy's mouth when two guys are talking and one says to the other: "I just met this woman"? Ladies, let's all say it together: "IS SHE PRETTY?" (or words to that effect). {Would he be talking about meeting her if she wasn't pretty??} But guys might have a good reason for speaking this way. Ya wanna hear my theory? Ok, it's like this; we already know that sex is preeeety important to a guy. (It's also important to women but women, being the stronger gender, can usually exercise self-control, can focus on other things for more than a few minutes at a time, etc.) Now the reason why sex is so important to a guy is because of that almighty O. (No, I'm not talking about Oprah. I'm talking about an orgasm - which, by the way, most men can only have one in a given amount of time while women can have multiple orgasms in the same amount of time. Another area where women are stronger: performance!) 😊Ok, back to what I was saying: orgasms. In order for a man to have an orgasm, he needs to have an erection. In order for him to have an erection, he needs to be sexually stimulated in some way - either physically and/or visually. If he doesn't have something sexually arousing to look at, he might not be able to get an erection and ultimately an orgasm. (I suspect this is one of the reasons a guy who has successfully seduced a rich, unattractive woman - so he can get access to her wealth - will often want to have sex with her from behind. He doesn't have to look at her but, instead, can think of someone else who's more attractive.) The main reasons some guys try to get involved with women are; sex and or money and or power and or material possessions. Guys often compliment a woman when he wants something from her. Did you know "You're so beautiful" is man-speak for "I want to have sex with you"? - women generally aren't as judgmental; This also touches on what we just talked about. A guy often judges a woman by her looks alone and will dismiss what she says or does if he considers her "ugly". If she isn't beautiful, or at least pretty, he might not want to have anything to do with her (unless she can do something for him. Guys are often nice to a plain/unattractive girl or woman so she'll; do his homework, complete his project/presentation before the meeting with the boss, etc.) This character flaw ultimately hurts men. How many men could have had the best friend/companion/partner-in-life if only he took the time to know a woman for who she really was rather than decide if she was good enough for him, based on her looks? But he'll never know this happiness because he wasn't strong enough to look past the surface. Guys often criticize women for doing what men generally do (so as to deflect - taking the focus away from themselves and putting it on the women). Guys often say;"Women are...", "Women don't...", "Women can't...", etc. but what they're really talking about is a characteristic found more often in men. It's a form of (attempted) brainwashing: if guys make these statements often enough, hopefully they'll convince others that it's the truth. But, fortunately, a lot of women (who are generally smarter and more observant) know better. 😉 When I hear a guy make a general (usually negative) statement towards women, I immediately ask myself: "Does what he's saying apply to men more than women?" And the answer is usually yes. I got into the habit of doing this because I was so tired of hearing myself say: "Hey, what he's saying applies to men more than women!" But if a woman points this out to a guy, he often dismisses/discredits what she says by saying: "Look, you're making a big deal out of nothing." (Though I noticed a guy won't think it's "nothing" if someone says the same thing about men!)If a guy insults/abuses me, I ask him would he be ok with a guy treating a woman (he cared about) the same way he just treated me? If the answer is no - or if he doesn't answer {I take that to mean his answer is no but he just doesn't want to admit it}, then I know I'm not;"making a big deal out of nothing", that I have every right to be hurt and offended by his actions towards me, I have every right to speak up and say something, etc. Other comebacks a lot of guys use are;"Oh, lighten up, you women {again, generalizing! - grrrrr!} take things too seriously" - (it's interesting how a guy usually doesn't think it's "funny" when he's on the receiving end of negative generalized statements),"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" - except for a man scorned! (Please see the section on forgiving.)And my 'favorite': "Is it that time of the month?" - to which I politely reply: "Why? Do you only act like a jerk certain times of the month?") 😆 Now I'm not a mind-reader, mind you, but I'd bet dollars to donuts the next thing he says (under his breathe) is: "B*tch!" If a guy ever calls me a b*tch, I calmly reply: "Well, I am female and I like dogs." (I say this even if I don't like dogs but only like cats, for example. I refuse to give him the satisfaction that he succeeded in insulting me!) 😉 "Dogs are loyal, hard-working, faithful, man's-best-friend, so thank you for the compliment." Or if I'm pressed for time, I just call out: "Bow! Wow!" with a smile (showing my pearly whites - dogs have teeth, right? 😉) and a salute - if I'm feeling generous that day. Another favorite name guys often call women is: wh*re. (Please replace the * with an "o" and please forgive my having to use such disrespectful language.) If a guy ever calls me a wh*re, I calmly reply: "I never got payed for it." 😉 and "Are you just jealous because some women are smart enough to get payed for something a lot of guys can't even give away?" To which he possibly responds by calling me some other unflattering names but hopefully I'm far away from him by then. I would, however, suggest not engaging in this verbal back and forth unless you're in a safe place with witnesses who "have your back" and you have a safe exit strategy. A lot of guys don't like to be "bested" in any kind of interaction (especially by a woman) and can often lose their temper and become nasty and/or violent. His belligerence isn't worth you putting yourself in danger just to tell him he didn't succeed in insulting you and his nastiness didn't affect you. Better you should keep these clever comebacks to yourself and share them, later on, with friends. 😉 I know I'm making light of this situation but it can be stressful and very upsetting to be spoken to and treated like this. (We are in touch with our emotions. 😉) Guys often speak and think like this because they don't like themselves and ultimately don't like others. (More on this later on. 😉) It's often scary for a woman when a man is verbally abusive. It can be intimidating, which is why a lot of guys adopt this kind of behavior. It's often in the back of a woman's mind: "Is he going to stop at just being verbally abusive or is he going to start being physically abusive?" Now I'm not saying anything that guys probably don't already know, but even though women may be generally stronger intellectually, guys aren't stupid either. I suspect most guys know when they're bothering a woman and the fact that they're doing it means there's already a problem. If the guy was a decent man, he wouldn't be speaking to or treating a woman in such a confrontational manner in the first place. Guys often judge women as being inferior, unintelligent, inexperienced, etc. before taking the time to find out whether this is true or not. It's a well-known fact that a person often judges others according to where he/she is "coming from". If a guy is;lazy, unintelligent, feels inferior to others, etc., it stands to reason that he would likewise judge others as possessing these character traits. - women generally aren't as prejudiced; there aren't as many women in organizations that promote prejudice and hatred, such as terrorist organizations, etc. If one person from a particular group such as; race, religion, nationality, gender, etc. hurts a man, he may generalize and treat everyone from that group as if they've hurt him. He may not be strong enough to endure the hurt/pain and still treat everyone as an individual. This leads to racism, sexism, etc. - all forms of prejudice. And prejudice is a form of ignorance. - women often have more self-control; men are often distracted by women instead of paying attention to their job, the task at hand, etc. Many men in the military complain because they see women soldiers as a "distraction" to them. Women can often control their anger but men often don't have the strength to feel anger (or other emotions) without acting on them. Men often have to get a woman drunk/under the influence of some mind-altering drug before she'll have random sex because she can exercise self-control when it comes to actions that may have a negative outcome in the future.- women are more faithful in relationships; women may have just as many (if not more) opportunities as men to be unfaithful to their partners but will usually have the strength not to be unfaithful. Women generally don't cheat on their husbands/boyfriends because the man won't or can't have sex with her. A woman usually only cheats; when her mental state is compromised (if she's drunk, on drugs, etc.),when she feels she's not loved/appreciated (especially when she's in a loveless relationship),when she's had a fight with her husband/boyfriend (and is emotionally vulnerable),etc. Many guys will take advantage of a woman's vulnerability and try to have sex with her, including when she's; depressed (after a breakup, divorce, or death), disappointed (when it's late in the evening on Valentine's Day), lonely (when she's the only woman in a group without a date/partner), around special holidays such as; Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries of a death, etc.), stressed or scared (when there's an emergency or disaster, the end of the world is predicted, etc.), etc. Basically, any opportunity a guy can take advantage of, that results in his pretending to care so he can have sex with her. We did establish that sex is pretty important to a guy, didn't we! And as important as sex is to a guy, many live by the philosophy: why pay for something when you can get it for free? There's also a sense of accomplishment a guy often gets when he succeeds in getting a woman to fall in love with him or be attracted to him. It strokes his ego and makes him feel important. He needs to feel this to compensate for his general lack of self-esteem. And his low self-esteem often stems not only from his feeling weaker/inadequate compared to a lot of (if not most) women but, also, from his guilty conscience when his weakness influences how he treats others and how he lives his life. We discussed how women usually tend to be faithful in relationships. Men, on the other hand, are often not strong enough to be faithful to their wives/girlfriends - even if he has a healthy relationship and sex-life with his partner. The woman can be young, beautiful, rich, well-connected so as to provide the guy with power, success, etc. and still he often can't remain faithful. Sometimes men say they cheat/are unfaithful because they don't deserve such a wonderful woman and, therefore, subconsciously push her away. But I noticed he does this after he has succeeded in getting the woman to fall in love with him and after he's had sex with her! So, my theory is; he's not strong enough to stay away from her and he's not strong enough to be faithful to her - thus ultimately breaking her heart. It's a good thing that women are strong. We need to be to co-exist with the male population (generally speaking). Women are more inclined to be faithful/loyal to home and family; staying at home and taking care of sick and/or elderly relatives – even if it means giving up or delaying her dreams, plans, etc. Men will often put their needs first, be self-indulgent, etc.- women generally have better manners; women will often say please and thank you and ask someone to do something rather than tell someone to do something. It's a sign of respect from one human being to another. Men will often give orders;"Do this", "Get that", "Give me...", etc. and speak to a woman as if she's an animal or a slave; "Sit", "Come here", etc. (Maybe it's wishful thinking on the man's part - which can be traced back through history. More on that later.) 😉 Guys may long for the days when women were servants, owned by men. Men didn't need manners then. {On a side note: I suspect a lot of "romance" novels are written by men (who use a woman's name for the author, hoping to appear relatable to women readers). In these novels, the man (the hero - can you believe it!) often treats the woman (the heroine) like a slave/servant. He abuses her verbally, physically, etc. and she responds by being sexually aroused by his abuse and wants more. Sounds like a guys' fantasy to me!! Perhaps it's an attempt to brainwash women (who primarily are the readers of these novels) into believing; this is how women are supposed to feel, it's normal for women to behave this way, women need to act like this if they are "ever to get a man", etc. It sets a bad example for new adults and teenagers; if a boy reads these novels, he might think it's ok to treat a woman any way he wants and she'll accept it. This is one of the reasons so many guys have the philosophy/mentality that"women like to be abused", "she deserves to be treated like this", "she likes it", etc. If a girl reads these novels, she might think it's ok to be mistreated by a guy and she is supposed to accept any abuse and not speak up for herself. In other words, she is supposed to let a guy get away with anything he wants.} It's not ok for anyone to mistreat/abuse anyone else! Guys often speak to women in a condescending manner, talking down to women as if the woman is unintelligent (when women often know more about a subject than the man does!)Guys often exhibit rude/disrespectful behavior when interacting with others, such as interrupting someone or talking over someone (usually a woman) when she's speaking. - women are generally more giving, caring, compassionate and hospitable;women make up the majority of volunteers in all kinds of clubs, organizations, for all kinds of causes - donating countless hours, resources, expertise, etc. Women are usually Welcome Wagon Hostesses and bring food to families who have suffered illness and death. Women care enough to remember anniversaries and special occasions. If it's important to you, chances are it's important to her. Women often give without expecting anything in return. - women commit less crimes than men; if one country invades another country, the majority of soldiers/leading personnel of the invading country are male. And a lot of guys who invade someone else's territory aren't strong enough to resist temptation if they have the opportunity to take what doesn't belong to them - such as; material possessions, sexually assaulting others, etc. - women will often stay silent when verbally attacked, judged, etc.; I believe this takes the greatest strength of all! Women have had to learn not to speak up for themselves, defend themselves, etc. as it often causes the woman to be punished, ridiculed, ostracized, shunned, etc. Men, on the other hand, will usually not tolerate someone verbally attacking them and will stand up for themselves - not letting anyone "get away with it". - women are less likely to lose their temper than men; (though this characteristic may be more equal between the sexes than the others listed in this book.) Men are more inclined to suffer heart attacks, strokes, etc. due to losing their temper. Men are more likely to be involved in car accidents, fist-fights, breaking the law, acting physically violent (especially towards their partner and children) due to losing their temper. Women usually just yell and occasionally throw things when they lose their temper - often at a guy who ticked her off because;he repeatedly lied to her, deceived her,was unfaithful to her,disrespected her,deliberately tried to hurt/humiliate/embarrass her,wasn't listening, wasn't paying attention, etc.- women are generally more mature/responsible and less selfish; girls often mature faster than boys, which comes in handy if a girl has younger siblings. The responsibility of taking care of younger sisters and brothers often falls to the eldest daughter (even if there is an older brother) as females are traditionally thought of as having a nurturing nature. Boys are often found pursuing their own interests; watching tv, playing video games, hanging out with friends, etc. This maturity is reflected in how girls perform in school; they take studying seriously, they don't drop out of school as much as boys, etc. Law enforcement personnel advise children to generally seek out a woman (rather than a man) for help if they are threatened, harassed, etc. by a stranger.Guys often resent a woman's success, intelligence, popularity, etc. Women tend to be friendly/outgoing but are often labeled a flirt, a tease, etc. while men are generally more inclined to tease women, often cruelly. Women tend to work in areas of employment that provide help and support to others such as; children's services, human and civil rights organizations,etc. Women usually have a strong work ethic and go out of their way to prove themselves, especially in areas that are traditionally male dominated. Men often; don't work as hard if they are unsupervised, sabotage someone else's accomplishments, take credit for another's work, bother, annoy, even harass a subordinate, etc. if they think they can get away with it. A guy often doesn't take responsibility for his actions, passing the blame onto others (especially a woman) in the hopes that she won't stand up for herself or that others (especially men) will believe him/take his side because he's a man. Guys often put their needs and wants first, even if it means being inconsiderate of others; guys often expel air from various bodily orifices (even when in the company of others), a man often lies, pretends to be someone or something he's not in order to (for example) have sex with a woman, etc. {We've established that sex is very important to men.} He often doesn't love her but he knows he needs to give the appearance that he does. If he succeeds and the woman has sex with him, he often doesn't respect her afterwards - thinking of her and treating her like a volunteer prostitute. Perhaps subconsciously, he feels he doesn't deserve to have someone share something so intimate, so intense, so personal with him and when the woman does, he thinks she'll have sex with anyone – thus developing a low opinion of her. This is often demonstrated in how he treats her. He may be a "selfish lover", focusing on his own pleasure and ignoring hers. After the sexual encounter, he may no longer want to be near her; turning away, moving away from her, leaving, etc. - women have a lower rate of suicide than men; men often aren't strong enough to stay alive and handle; disappointments, loss, guilt, the pressures of life, the aftermath of a sexual assault,etc. - women are generally more spiritual; more women attend religious services than men, especially outside of obligatory services/functions. There are more nuns than priests. Women are more inclined to say they'll pray for others. It's true that there are more male religious ministers, but women (especially throughout history, and even today) were/are denied permission to serve a higher power in a leadership capacity. Women have to be strong to live in societies where sexism/misogyny is acceptable, where women are often treated as less than equal (less pay for the same work, etc.) and where 'double standards' are often the norm - women are criticized for doing a quarter of what men do but men aren't criticized/ostracized;a woman is called a troublemaker while a man is called assertive or a rascal, a woman can have sex once or with one man (usually because she loves him) and is called a;sl*t, {* = u}wh*re, {* = o}sk*nk {* = a}while a man can have multiple sex partners (and often doesn't love them) but is viewed as;virile, a stud, a player, a philanderer, socially active, just a man, a bachelor, etc.A woman has a "tramp stamp" while a man has a "lower back tattoo", a man is robust, portly, etc. while a woman is called fat, a man is an opportunist while a woman is called a gold-digger, a man's criticisms/complaints are accepted/appreciated while a woman who has a complaint is accused of;imagining things, over-reactingbeing too emotional, crazy, a b*tch, a nag, etc. A woman is often called derogatory names even when she hasn't done anything wrong. And even when a guy is ostracized, he's often called a son of a b*tch. So technically it's still a woman who's called the nasty name!You often hear guys use derogatory expressions towards a woman that you almost never hear, if ever, (from men or women) towards a man; a financially independent woman is often called spoilt/a spoiled rich girl but you never hear a man called spoilt/a spoiled rich boy,women are often called girls to belittle or to portrait the woman as being immature, unintelligent, inexperienced, etc., which subconsciously sends the message that it's ok to dismiss what she says or does or how she feels. It's usually not used as an affectionate term. {When I hear a woman called a girl, I often speak up and say: "She hasn't been a girl since she was 12." 😉 That usually shuts them up - but I wouldn't necessarily want to be able to read their minds at that given moment! 😃},guys often refer to other guys as feminine, girls, ladies, etc. as an insult/a put-down. Society is often very unforgiving towards women but will excuse abusive male behavior as; boys-will-be-boys, he's just having a bit of fun, etc.

Woman to Women  by Josette SonaWhere stories live. Discover now