Chapter 2 - First Day of Pack Duties

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First Day of Pack Duties


Kassius' POV

I sigh as I look over the piles of paperwork before me. A local pack have been threatening us for a few months now; scaring the women and children and murdering both humans in the surrounding area and my pack members. For months my father has been working on ways to stop them and we have finally completed the plan.
As Alpha, I will be leading my warriors into battle for the first time, I'm nervous but we have planned thoroughly. It has been developed over several weeks and Alfie will be by my side. My pack, Spirit Valley, doesn't have a third in command and so my father and Alfie's father will join us.
"Dude it's time!" Alfie shouts from the doorway. "It's time to kick that Prime Blood pack's ass!" He says confidently. "We make our way downstairs and out the door.

'Let's go!' I command my fighters through our mind link when we arrive just within their border as I exit the vehicle. A rustling is heard from the trees almost immediately. "Who are you?" A man asks. "I have mind linked to my Luna to let her know about your arrival. She will...."
A sweet smell distracts me from the man's monotone voice. "I'm here now Steven, don't bore our guests to death." A beautiful voice speaks, appearing from the trees. Our eyes lock straight away and shock displays on both of our faces. "Mine." We whisper together.
"Luna, are you ok?" The man from before questions.
"Umm... yes... yes. Right, back to the point. What are you doing here on my land?" She demands.
"We are here because of the threats and murders your pack are committing against mine. My pack and I do not appreciate this, we are here to claim your land as a form payment." I reply.
"You will NOT be taking MY land. My pack is the only pack in the world run that is run by a Luna alone but do not mistake us for weaklings. My pack is one of the strongest in the UK and I will not be giving it up."
"I am Alpha Kassius, leader of the Spirit Valley Pack. I'm the leader of the strongest pack in Europe. I am your mate and I will claim your land as payment for the murders committed on my pack members." I tell her using my alpha voice.
"I am Alpha Kassius, leader of the Spirit Valley Pack. I'm the leader of the strongest pack in Europe. I am your mate and I will claim your land as payment for the murders committed on my pack members." She mocks me as I glare at her in pure rage.

Rae's POV

I can't believe my mate is Alpha Kassius! Ughhh, he is so unbelievable storming in here and thinking he can just take my land with no proof that we even murdered anyone! I have been a single Luna for so long and I have worked for too much respect around the world for it just to shatter when my mate arrives. I refuse to be treated like a fool!
"Excuse me!?" My mate screams. "As my mate you will come with me right now!" I stand still. "Did you not hear me?! I said NOW!"
Much to his dismay I roll my eyes and fake a yawn. "And why should I come with you?" I question.
With that Kassius stomps towards me and grabs my wrist tightly. I mind link my pack almost immediately. 'Come to the east side of the forest, we are under attack.'
"You will come with me, I am your Alpha." He says, foolishly attempting to use his Alpha voice on me.
I scoff before saying "You're Alpha voice will not work on me and I sure as hell won't be coming with you if you're going to be so rude." I sense the presence of my pack behind me. "Storming onto MY land and accusing MY pack of being murderers and then expecting me to come quietly?! Now that is a joke!" Laughing whilst shaking my head, I tug my wrist from his grasp and begin to walk away.
"Ahhh, you've brought your pack to meet their new alpha! How kind." Kassius smirks at my pack, I see some of the younger, more inexperienced, ones shiver in fear.
'Do not fear him for he is no threat to us' I reassure my pack through the mind link.
"My pack are not here to accept you as alpha but to make you leave. You have overstayed your welcome." The second I finish my mate motions a few of his men forward and they attack.
"Changed your mind, Sweetheart?" Oh great a pet name(!) I look towards the dead bodies on the ground.
"Number one, do not call me Sweetheart, number two leave my pack alone." I look around and can tell we are outnumbered greatly, with four of his pack to one of my pack. I sigh heavily.
"I see you have realised the odds are not in your favour." He grins evilly at me before turning towards his men.
"Men, take control of the Prime Blood territory and claim it as Spirit Valley territory, anyone who tries to stop you, kill them."
"You will do no such thing! As your Luna I command you to stop." They ignore me and continue their attack on my pack. "Kassius if one of your members kills any of my pack members you will never have a chance with me. Do you know what happens to an Alpha when their mate rejects them?" He glares at me, knowing full well that I will follow through with my threat.
"Says the girl whose pack members have been killing my pack." He shoots back as his pack back away from mine.
"We have been doing no such thing!"
"Well they have been coming from this direction."
"Give me one good reason I would attack your pack?"
"We are your biggest threat." He replies smugly.
"Which is exactly why we WOULDN'T attack you! Do you really think I'm dumb enough to think that we could take over the biggest pack in Europe?! That is just completely foolish!" I exclaim.
"Well who else could it be?"
"Let's speak in my office." I say as I lead him to my pack house.



This chapter is quite different to the original but Rae was too unrealistically weak.

So now you know who Kassius' mate is. What do you think of her so far?

EDITED but if there are any errors please let me know!

Picture to the side is of Rae, I imagine her being played by Shailene Woodley. Full cast is to the side.

Vote. Comment. Fan.

 S xxx

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