Chapter 6- The Unknown Becomes Known

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The Unknown Becomes Known


Kassius'  POV

As soon as I found out I got the next plane out. I was not letting Rae endanger herself.

The worst thing is that no one knows what's going on except her and she has blocked her mental field, which I asked some of her pack to try.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my cheek but it's not my pain.

It's hers.

Rae's POV

"You just slapped me!? Is that it? It didn't even hurt!" I lie.

"I saw that flicker of pain in your eyes!"

"There wasn't a 'flicker of pain' as you call it." I snap back.


"Would you stop! You're like an irritating fly that just won't buzz off, aren't you?"


"You heard me." A split second later my chin is in his grasp.

"Now listen here young lady! I suggest you keep your precious mouth shut-"

"You think I'm precious? Awww thank you!" I interrupt to mock him.

"Again! Just shut up! Do you not understand those two words?"


"Arghhhhh!" He storms out of the room in frustration.

I never really knew what happened to my parents. The last time I ever saw them was when we were escaping and they told me they would be right behind me. That was three years ago. I miss them everyday without fail.

I've never told anyone about what happened, not even Char. I was sixteen when they died so I immediately took position as Luna, refusing to let anyone else in the pack become Alpha which is what usually happens.

Following my ceremony to be Luna Char's parents decided to hand her the title of Beta. This made our pack not only the first pack to be ruled by a Luna but the first pack to be run my females. It made us proud.

Lutin. They are the murderers of my happy family. They are the reason for the loss of my parents. They are the one attacking Kassius' and my packs. That is unacceptable and I will not stand for it.

This is why I am here. Locked in silver chains, it's weird how I can't really feel the sting that I should, but maybe they aren't pure silver? I also still have to keep my mental block up, the silver hasn't stopped my powers. What's going on? Why were my parents even coming here with me three years ago? What was the purpose of it all?

Unknown POV

I will get her out of here tonight, if they find out that the silver cuffs don't drain her energy then she's in trouble. I need to get hold of this alpha mate that Guillaume had mentioned. What was his name? Kassius? His number should be in Guillaume's office.

As soon as I get home I call the alpha. "Hello, who is this?" A voice filled with power emanates from the phone.

"I have information on where Rae is. I can help you get her back."

"Name." He demands through the phone.


"How do you know her whereabouts?"

"It's complicated."

"Well make it less complicated." Kassius says bluntly.

"I'm her brother."

"Brother? I didn't think she had any other relatives. Charlotte only said Rae had parents."

"No one knows about me."

"Why not? You were supposed to take your Alpha title."

"I'm not werewolf enough."


"I'm more vampire than werewolf. Rae is more werewolf than vampire. This is why no one except our parents knew about me."

"Does Rae know about you?"

"She doesn't even know she has a brother, her parents never told her why they came here."

"So how can you help Rae?"

"I can get her out of here. The only thing ask for is refuge, I just want to be with my sister and let my wolf out."

"I can arrange that. I'm outside Vatry International airport. Can you come get me?"

"Of course, we will rescue her tonight."


Sorry that it's been a while. My dad stole my laptop. (rude much?)

Feedback as always would be great. Please vote and comment.

EDITED, sort of.

S xxx

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