Protective (Tony Stark for Lucy)

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Warnings: None
Word Count: 1433
Extra: This imagine was requested by @falloutofsummer. This is not an x reader and but feel free to read it as one if you please.

      Applying for that job as Tony Starks assistant was possibly the best decision Lucy had ever made in her life. Moving to New York was a big shift in her life. She had gotten an apartment and decided that the best thing for her to do was apply for every job she could. So that's what she did and eventually, she got a callback from Tony Stark himself, asking her to meet him for a face to face interview. The rest was history for there.

As the years past Lucy developed romantic feelings for her boss. She knew it was inappropriate but she couldn't help herself. His charm and charisma made her swoon. Despite his many one night stands it seemed to Lucy that he might have feelings for her too.

Finally, after years of hiding their feelings form each other, he finally admitted his love for her and his other secret. He was Iron Man. Lucy worried about his safety every mission he went on, but he always managed to get back to her safely.

       Now they had been married for eighteen years and had created a beautiful family together. Morgan Stark was born two years into their marriage and was the pride and joy of there lives. She was like a carbon copy of her mother with all the charisma and pride of her father. Of course, she had Tony wrapped around her finger from the moment Lucy gave birth to her. Tony retired from the Avengers a few months after Morgan was born to be able to spend the rest of his life with his wife and daughter without worrying if they would lose him.

"Tony! Morgan! Dinners ready, my loves!" Lucy yelled from the kitchen. She heard familiar light footsteps if her daughter jotting down the stairs followed by the loud footsteps of her husband.

"Hey, babe. Sorry, Morgan was helping me program a... thing I've been working on." Tony explained vaguely. Lucy raised an eyebrow. Of course, he had a secret project. Lucy didn't really mind though as long as Morgan got to spend time with her father.

Morgan fixed her plate of food quickly. Lucy wondered what her rush was but thought nothing much of it. The family sat and ate together for a while before Morgan spoke up abruptly.

"So there's this party. Would you or mom be able to drive me tonight?" Tony looked up for a moment and gave Lucy a look.

"Where is this party and who will be there?" He asked. Lucy sighed. Tony was such a protective father and rightfully so. Morgan was the daughter of a famous superhero making her suitable target for kidnapping or god knows what else. Morgan, however, didn't quite understand that.

"It's just a party one of my friends from school is throwing. I'm not really sure who will be there." Morgan stated. Lucy could see Tony tense up. Lucy knew how much he hated saying no to Morgan even if it was for her own good.

"I'm sorry Morg, but I think you should just stay home tonight. I don't trust you being out that late." Tony explained. Morgan opened her mouth to rebuttal but Lucy gave her a motherly look signaling her to stay quiet.

"I have to agree with your father on this one honey." Lucy stated hoping that if she agreed her daughter would understand. However, Morgan gave an exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes. Tony starts to say something but Morgan had already left the kitchen by the time either he or Lucy could think if anything to say.

"Just let her cool down. She's a teenager. Teenagers act like this sometimes. We can talk to her in the morning once she's gotten some rest." Lucy said trying to be the mediator and keep from causing any more trouble for the night. Tony nodded silently and Lucy could tell he was hurting. Deciding it would be best to leave both her family members be she quietly went to get ready for bed.

Just as Lucy was about to fall asleep she felt the familiar arms of her husband wrap around her from behind before giving her a kiss on her hair. Letting out a sigh of content Lucy fell asleep.

~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~
       Tony lay awake in bed, Lucy's relaxed breathing the only sound in the quiet room. He had been awoken by nightmares. Images of something happening to his wife and daughter flooded his sleep causing him to wake up in a cold sweat. He couldn't close his eyes in fear of seeing his family hurt again.

        Something didn't feel right to Tony. As far as he could tell everything was alright. His wife was sleeping peacefully and there was a silence throughout the house. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling of paranoia.

       Finally, he decided to check up on Morgan, just to make sure she was ok. Tony slowly got out under the covers of the bed careful not to wake Lucy in the process, before proceeding down the hall to his daughter's room.

Tony slowly turned the handle to push open the door. As he did panic rose in his chest. Morgan's bed was empty aside from a few pillows tossed across the bed in an obviously staged way. Tony tried to calm himself down. Maybe she just went to the bathroom. Or get some water, he thought to try to come up with any other option than his daughter being gone. However, after searching the whole house it was obvious that Morgan was gone.

       Tony gently shook Lucy awake, trying to keep from having an anxiety attack. "Lucy, honey, please wake up. Morgan's gone."

      "What are you talking about?" Lucy mumbled still half asleep.

       "I went to check on Morgan and she wasn't there. I'm going out to look for her."

        Lucy sat up in bed. Her husband was obviously very distressed which made Lucy feel afraid for her daughter's safety. Swinging her legs over the bed Lucy followed her husband to the front door.

         "Be careful, Tony." Lucy said worriedly. Tony gave her a swift kiss on the cheek before making his way outside and driving off in the car.

                      ~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~

      Lucy paced back and forth in the living room. Tony had been gone for at least an hour now and Lucy's mind had begun to wonder at the worst. What if Tony never found Morgan? What is she was hurt or worse? Lucy was snapped from her worried thoughts by the opening of the front door. There stood Tony accompanied by a very ashamed looking Morgan.

     "Oh, my darling. Are you ok?"Lucy asked wrapping her daughter in a tight embrace. Morgan nodded.

      "I'm fine. I just wanted to go to the party so bad and I snuck out. I got lost and my phone died so I couldn't call you. I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking." Morgan explained.


Lucy looked over at Morgan and saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry dad. I didn't mean to make you or mom scared." Morgan said, her face wet with tears. Lucy placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder in an attempt to soothe her. Tony's face softened as Morgan began to sniffle and wipe tears from her cheek.

"I don't want to yell at you Morgan, but you need to understand. Your mother and I love you. I can't bear to lose you." Tony explained walking towards the two of them. Morgan nodded and Tony wrapped the two of them in a right embrace. "Now go change and get some sleep. We'll talk about your punishment in the morning."

As Morgan left Lucy wrapped her arms around her husband's frame, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Tony smiled.

"What was that for?" He asked.

Lucy smiled and let out a small giggle. "For being such a great father."

"Well, I'd do anything to protect my girls. You know that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." Lucy replied before walking with her husband hand in hand back to there room. The rest of the night was peaceful and quiet, letting the little family fat some well-needed rest.

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