Ch9: But I'm not afraid, I'm fine, I'm fine

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Remember that the WINGS era had BTS sing their own solo songs? Yeah, it also means I have to write an original song, too.

And I already finished one.


What a great reading everyone. :D

She felt like she probably, maybe, screwed up.

Was Choheun a coward if she successfully avoided seeing or talking with her idols for two days straight except a few quick greetings and a weak smile before skittering away?

Well, yes. Obviously. She had always been a coward. She always ran away from her problems with fear gripping her heart of the 'what if's. What's new?

Choheun ran a hand through her hair, fingers sliding through her bangs and sighed as they flopped back down over her forehead. She picked her glasses off the nightstand, letting it rest on her nose bridge and flickered her gaze to the digital clock beside it.


It's kind of early, wasn't it?

She chewed on her bottom lip, playing with the black sleeves of her long-sleeved shirt. She didn't know if she should go practice first before the boys woke up. And she definitely didn't want to encounter any of them right now without feeling the need to run back into the room or profusely apologize for what had happened before.

Choheun shook her head, taking a deep breath. She didn't mean to ignore her idols. In fact, she didn't even know why she was ignoring them in the first place ever since the practice incident (she had a nosebleed in the worst timing ever and she was very embarrassed and ashamed about it-). Maybe she was scared of what they might think of her? Maybe they wouldn't want her in the room when they were practicing anymore? Did they have a different opinion of her now?

She hoped they didn't find her weird. It wasn't her fault she was so sensitive to the weather. It's one of the reasons why she had at least four bottles of sunscreen with her in the bathroom.

Oh, and she seriously did not want to see Yoongi. Or Seokjin. Or Jimin. Or everyone, really. Embarrassment was so quick to run over her when she remembered what had happened prior. But it still confused her to no end why they were concerned instead of staring at her in disgust. She actually felt so guilty and ashamed when she saw how positively worried Jimin looked, plus Seokjin.

Aish, why did she have to go and make them worried about something that didn't matter? Why did they look so concerned about her? It didn't make any sense.

It was just a small nosebleed...that, admittedly, took a little over twenty minutes in total and the amount of blood that dripped down was a little concerning, now that she thought about it.

And to make things worse, she was clearly avoiding them, especially if she saw one of them around the building and always ran to the other direction when they opened their mouth. Choheun knew that it was rude and disrespectful to ignore her idols like that, because they were her biggest idols, and they were idols in general, but she couldn't help it. She literally felt nauseous imagining what they thought about her, her head buzzing with anxiety and panic every time she looked at them.

(Maybe they finally realized she was actually-)

Don't even get her started with the looks they were giving her. Most of their expressions were unreadable, but Choheun's heart pinched whenever she saw Jimin's face every time she left early and tried not to meet his stares. He reminded her of Jaegoo when she couldn't play with him, looking like a kicked baby puppy or a hurt baby kitten (and the latter sucked because she was a cat-person-). He looked so hurt yet also hopeful as if she might talk to him by herself instead of running away.

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