Ch17: Reflection (Which makes me smile)

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Sorry, everyone. I decided to push the weekly updates to every Tuesday now. :(

I'm always busy every Sunday, but recently I've been more busy that I only have time to myself for a few hours, and the chapters are usually not finished on Sunday yet.

It's officially Tuesday updates. I hope you don't mind.



Choheun didn't know what led her to the situation she was currently in right now, trying not to laugh when Taehyung danced around the kitchen wearing an apron that was a prominent shade of pink (from Seokjin, Taehyung repeatedly insisted) to prepare their lunch for the day, which was only leftover tteokbokki and bibimbap, and it meant he only needed to heat the food up and not appear as if he was actually cooking something when he wasn't and didn't cook anything.

Not that she minded, but maybe nonstop laughing and giggling for three minutes straight wasn't needed.

She felt like crying.

Choheun squirmed when her sweater brushed against the side of her stomach, eliciting another burst of giggles as she leaned on the backrest of the couch, knees on top of the said couch, feet dangling above the floor and moving them up and down like a child.

"T-Taehyung-ssi," she called out once she was certain her giggles dimmed down, cheeks feeling heated and her throat way too dry she had to clear her throat many times. Again. "I d-don't think you're allowed to heat up steel in a microwave."

The deep-voiced singer gasped at her exaggeratedly, holding the steel bowl with bibimbap inside to his chest protectively. "But I thought you can heat up any container inside?" he said, completely but playfully shocked she couldn't tell if he was serious or not. He was good, maybe he should be an actor, she mentally giggled. "Have I been lied to my whole life? I know pure plastic-like plastic bags are a big no-no, the microwave will explode," Choheun snorted, maybe, "but steel or anything metal? Explain, Choheun-ah! Explain this!"

Choheun giggled again, watching as he still moved to change the container with a ceramic bowl and covered the top with cling wrap nevertheless. "I can't exactly explain in into detail, Taehyung-ssi. I don't really know the reason behind it myself, but all I know is that I had experience with it once and had to buy a new microwave before Dohyukkie-oppa came home from his checkup." She said sheepishly, covering her wide smile behind her sweater paw as the idol clicked his tongue, smirking at her.

"If you say so... Whatever, anyway, I'm starving!" Choheun shook her head amusedly, smile lopsided and resisted the urge to smile too wide that her teeth showed (in her opinion, she didn't like her wide, toothy smile much. It was just...weird. When it showed a hint of her gums, she meant).

"I'm hungry, too, Taehyung-ssi." She told him, and she tried not to duck behind the backrest in fluster when he whipped to her at the sound of his name and smiled widely, hopeful eyes twinkling mischievously.

"So," he drawled the word, the honey-eyed teen doing her best from holding back an annoyed groan or embarrassed whine, "when can you call me oppa-"

"No." Choheun deadpanned, cheeks red and glared when the male pouted childishly (a damn good actor indeed). For nearly the whole afternoon after earlier, she didn't understand why Taehyung was excited like a little kid whenever she called him less formally, even if it was still formal with '-ssi', but still. And he had been insisting her to call him 'oppa' even if they both knew that wasn't going to happen any time soon, not without Choheun feeling like the worst fan in the world for calling her idol and future band member too closely. They were just friends, and that was it. Nothing more than that.

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