Special AU: Part One

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Hello! :)

Sorry for being away for almost 2 months. I have been working on a little AU on this story. Like a fanfic of a fanfic of some sort.

This is mostly an experiment and a way for me to relax from the "canon" storyline because I need a lot of planning to do. I promise I'll update it when I'm done with this AU.

Take it like an apology chapter to make up for the lost time :)

So! Let's start with the few changes in this AU compared to the canon TBAF storyline. It's not connected (maybe~), just an AU.

1. This is set in 2019, and they're all in high-school.
2. Dohyuk and Eunji are not married, therefore Eunji is a single-mother with Jaegoo. Jaegoo is also 10, not 6.
3. Eunji and Kaejji are step-siblings.
4. I'll be using their Korean ages instead of the international one because I need to stick to accuracy and respect for writing a story based in their country.
5. I don't know much about high-school so I apologize if I get something wrong. It's been so long since I've last went to an Asian school (yes, I'm Asian).

Here are their actual ages, but remember that they're one year older because I won't state their actual ages throughout the whole AU.

Seokjin: 20
Yoongi: 19
Hoseok: 18
Namjoon: 18
Jimin: 17
Taehyung: 17
Jeongguk: 16
Choheun: 15

Now, before you continue, I need to mention all the warnings in this AU because it goes downhill pretty fast. Like, immediately depressing with so much angst and emotions.

There will be Character Death, Mentioned Self-Harm, Attempted Suicide (drowning), Child Neglect, Abandonment (a lot of it), Manipulation & Control, Bullying, Harassment, Depression, Forced Overdose, and...so much more but I'm not sure yet.

Please tell me if I missed something. :)

And the lyrics are from "Spring Day" because I based the storyline around the mv. You all know the theories and the deep lyrics, so it's based on that.

And I promise there is fluff. No bad endings. Just a ton of angst will come at you.

I think that's all.

Oh, every chapter has 20k words, so it's like 2-3 chapters in 1 every week.


So please enjoy this AU!

(And yes, there will be fanarts in every chapter for which member Choheun's interacting with.)

I miss you
When I say that, I miss you more
I'm still looking at your photo
But I still miss you

Time is so cruel
I hate us

Now it's hard to even see each other's faces

Choheun didn't quite understand why she was still living.

She didn't understand why she kept trying, why she bothered to get up out of bed and force her body to move.

Maybe it was because she knew she had school to go to, classes to attend to, jobs to show up to, but her too-good excuses to her homeroom teacher, the principal and even her bosses (and coworkers) as to why she couldn't go, was the reason she never stepped foot in those buildings for the past ten months.

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