Special AU: Part Four

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Hello everyone! :)

How are you all doing? Hopefully you're all staying at home and washing your hands >v>

Anyway, sorry for leaving you all on a cliffhanger owo

This chapter is pretty...instense-ish? It's not angsty (i THINK), but it has a lot of feels and involves a lot of crying, aka Choheun cries a lot.

That's pretty much it, I guess.

Oh, and btw, this School AU will have 10 parts in total, and will be finished by the end of April. Meaning, I'll be updating the main idol story again in May!

This fanfic is almost 1-year-old now! :D

Enjoy as usual! :)

(with a fanart added, as always)

Honestly I miss you
But now I'll erase you

"Do you think Choheun is okay?" the words fell out of his mouth before his brain caught up for the umpteenth time in under an hour.

Half of his hyungs groaned in exasperation, some shaking their heads at him (Namjoon and Jimin), maybe trying to ignore him (Taehyung and Seokjin), or all of the above (Yoongi).

Hoseok, the only one actually laid back and smiling, chuckled at him as he picked up the eggshell on the chair. How it got there, don't ask. "There's no need to worry, Jeongguk-ah. I know you're worried about the weather, but I can guarantee that she's safe."

Jeongguk frowned, averting his gaze to hypothetically burn the floor. Okay, yeah, maybe she was fine and she was obviously inside the house. Hell, she might even be sleeping by now! He was probably overreacting again...

Taehyung cooed, grinning at him and Jeongguk internally rolled his eyes, playfully, "Aww, you're so incredibly extremely whipped for honeybun." He said, Jimin nudging him to continue cleaning up since he had paused briefly to address the maknae.

Jeongguk's eye twitched, using every fiber of his being not to show a single tint of red on his cheeks of his inner embarrassment. "Says the person who uses a lot of nicknames for her when she isn't around." He retorted, but the artist only sniffed proudly.

"Hey, honeybun is a perfectly adorable nickname for her, don't you think? Because her name is Choheun and her nickname is Choheunnie and Heunnie sometimes sounds like honey in a closely similar maybe vaguely but not really way and she is a baby bun for all I care. Or a baby cat. But I'm calling her a bunny just because she already likes cats and she won't complain much if I call her a cat." He shrugged, totally unbothered of what he just said. No shame at all Jeongguk was almost impressed. And he thought Seokjin was the master of no shame... "Just be grateful I don't call you a bunny anymore."

Jeongguk made a face, "Maybe I am because I am not a kid anymore, therefore I can't and should not be called bunny, and it's an embarrassing nickname to begin with?" though if Choheun was the one calling him a bunny, no one would hear him complaining but hear him deny until the end of time that he was not weak for her and call the one who asked a delusional person.

"You're seventeen." Jimin pointed out. "You are a kid. Or still a teenager. Underage."

"Says the shorty."

The short dancer twitched, looking positively ready to throttle him if it wasn't for Hoseok holding him back with a sunny smile. A complete contrast between the two dancers when angered or annoyed. Scary.

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