1-Raylee's First few days at the orphanage

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Raylee hid under the bed holding a stuffed puppy for a while. Charlie came in from outside and noticed Raylee. She got Raylee to come out of her hiding place. She's three years older then Raylee but knew how scared Raylee was. Charlie got excited to have a new friend and tried to hug Raylee and Raylee panics and jumps away after remembering that her mom only hugged her after not treating her so nicely. Raylee just said no hugs and went back under the bed. Charlie sat on her bed across the room and decided to play with her stuffie and hoped maybe the new girl wouldn't be so scared then. Raylee watched a minute then says quietly "I'm Raylee can I play with you?" Charlie agreed happily and they spent what seemed like hours until dinner time playing and talking.

A girl who was older than both of them and looked mean came and told them that dinner is done if they were hungry go to the table. Raylee had shot back under the bed when the girl had appeared in the doorway. Charlie convinced her to come with her and they go to get dinner. Raylee got scared however when she saw about 20 other girls multiple ages that were in the room at the tables. She ran and ducked into another room. Mrs Harper saw Raylee and brought her back into the dining room and got everyone's attention and introduced Raylee telling everyone to be nice, giving pointed looks at the seven teenagers. Raylee ran and sat by Charlie still kinda scared and ate.. She didn't even eat much though.

The next morning Charlie was getting ready for school. Raylee just stayed at the foster home with the other four and three year olds. She found a pacifier that nobody was using cause she still uses them. She's small enough to be confused for one of the three year olds. She just found things to do like play with the others or stay in Charlie's room and that happened a lot for a few days.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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