Chapter 1: Returning Home

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I was sitting across from the blue skinned chick as I was showing her how to play paper football. I steadied the triangular paper and flicked it to her but instead of letting her hands stay still as the goal post, she tries to grab it. "You don't need to do that, because you're just holding the position." I said as I show her how to do it. "Come on." I said and she takes the paper and flicks it but just hits the side of my finger.

"That was close." I said as I hand her the paper then sets my hands up as a goal again. She flicks it and it hits the middle. "That's a goal. We're now one a-piece." I said to her. "I would like to try again." She said and I nod and we continue to play paper football for awhile

At one point she flicks the paper and it completely misses my hands. "That was terrible." I said to her and we continue on to play. "Now you have a chance to win." I said to her and she leans forward and flicks her football and it goes over my goal post. "And you won. Congratulations." I said to her and she stands up straighter in shock. "Fair game. Good sport." I said as I hold my hand out to her and she shakes it. "You had fun?" I asked her. "It was fun." She replied and I nod at her.

Later, I was sitting on the floor in the main area of the ship when I leaned over to my helmet and flicked it on. "This thing on?" I asked as I tap on the helmet and he begins to record me. "Hey, Miss Potts...Pep. If you find this recording...don't post it, on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker." I said as I lean back against the wall.

God, I feel weak.

"I don't know if you're ever gonna see these. I don't even know if you're still...Oh, God." I began to tear up, what if she is gone? Just like my daughter?! "I hope so...Today is day 21...uh, 22." I corrected myself. "You know, if it wasn't for the existensial terror of staring into the literal void of space, I'd say, I'm feeling more better today. The infection's run its course, thanks to the blue meanie back there. You'd love her. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic. Some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy ourselves, about 48 hours of playtime. But it's now dead in the water. We're 1,000 lightyears from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning. That'll be it. And Pep, I...I know I said no more surprises, but I gotta say I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like...Well, you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean actually if you grovel for a couple weeks, and then, move on with enormous guilt." I said as I run my hand over my face as I start to feel extremely tired.

"I should probably lie down. I'm gonna caress my....Please know that...When I drift off, it will be goodbye the whole time...I'll think about you and (y/n). Because it's always you two. Both of you are my world." I said, tearfully, then I shut the helmet off and I lay down on the ground and let the exhaustion wash over me.


After building the arc reactor and place it into my chest, Yinsen and I decided to play a game of Backgammon. "Good. Good roll. Good roll." Yinsen said after I rolled the dices. "You still haven't told me where you're from." I said to him, curiously. "I'm from a small town called Gulmira. It's actually a nice place." He replied.

"Got a family?" I asked. "Yes, and I will see them when I leave here. And you, Stark?" Yinsen said. I stare at him, the corner of my lips twitch up, and said. "A daughter." Yinsen eyes widen at this. "A daughter?! Wow, never expected you to be a family man." He said and I smirk a bit.

"She just recently came into my life a few months ago. Eight years ago, I met her mother at a party thing lead to another and she ended up pregnant." I replied.

"Did you help out with the child?" Yinsen asked me. "I wanted to but her mother told me to not worry about it. She knew how I was and didn't want my daughter involved, so even though I didn't like it I honored her request. But a few months ago, she passed away and put in her Will for me to take care of my daughter." I said as I stare into the flames from the firepit in front of us. "God!" I exclaimed as I run my hands over my face.

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