Chapter 6: And I Am Iron Man

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*(y/n)'s POV*

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I hear a voice say as I groan. "(Y/n)!" A voice said as I feel someone shaking my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes, which was blurry at first but it finally clears up. I blink several times then I realized that I was still on that Titan planet. I groan as I look over to see Peter standing over me.

"Pete?" I asked, confused, as I stare at him confused. "Oh thank God!" He said as he goes to hug me. I hug him back as I look around in confusion as I see Star-Lord, Mantis, Drax and Doctor Strange, who was talking to someone through one of his portals.

"W-wh-what happened? Where's dad?" I asked. "We've been gone for five years and..." Pete started to explain but my eyes widen at this. "Five years?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Miss Stark, you need to be prepared. We're about to have the fight of our lives." Doctor Strange said as he walks over to me. "Is my dad okay?" I asked him. He looks at me then said. "As far as I know, he's fine. But we need to hurry. He and the remaining Avengers are fighting Thanos and they need our help." He replied to me and I nod as Pete helps me up.

"Anything to make sure my dad stays alive!" I said as Doctor Strange nods at me then turns around, flies up as he waves his hands around.

Pete and I look at each other and he takes my hand in his. I squeeze his hand in fear and he nods at me just as Strange opened a portal. He and the Guardians walk out of the portal while Pete and I have our mask form over our faces and he web slings out of the portal while I fly out.

As I get out, I look around to see thousands of those orange portals form as thousands of people come through so that we could come together. I look ahead and see a large ship and tons of different creatures and aliens and I see Thanos standing there in shock as he looks at all of us coming through.

"Is that everyone?" Strange asked one of his Sorcerer friends. "What, you wanted more?" His friend asked and Strange shrugs. Then I hear a voice, which I recognized it to be Steve Rogers, shouts.


And with that everyone started running towards Thanos and his army as they run towards us. And the war was on!

Everyone began punching, stabbing, kicking, or anything to take down the enemy while I blast at a few enemies as I try to find my dad. Finally, I see Pete was talking to my dad. I land a few feet behind Pete as Pete said, quickly. "Do you remember when we were in space, and I got all dusty? I must’ve passed out, because I woke up, and you were gone and (y/n) was there. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, It’s been five years. Come on, they need us! And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time…" He said until Dad smiles and walks over to him.

"What are you doing?" Pete asked him as Dad embraces him, tearfully. "This is nice." Peter said as he hugs him back.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, as my helmet comes off, and Dad's head shoots up and his eyes widen the moment he sees me. He let's go of Pete then walks over to me. I smile as I run towards him and we embrace each other and I could hear him let out a sob.

"(Y/n), my babygirl." He whispers and I hold my dad, tightly. I smiled at this as he kisses the side of my head. "I missed you." He said as I pull back from the hug. "I thought about you everyday." He said and I smiled at this.
"Missed you too, dad." I said and we hug each other again until we heard a crash.

We look over and see some people fighting some of the monsters. "Uh oh....duty calls, dad!" I said as my helmet starts to form over my head. "I love you, babygirl." Dad called out. "Love you too, dad!" I shouted and Pete and I go out and help people.

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