Chapter 7: I Love You, 3,000

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Pepper brought me to the house her, Morgan and dad had lived in for the past five years, which was a large cabin in the woods. It's a beautiful place, I'll give them that. I smirk a bit but I still felt hollow after what happened yesterday.

"I'll be right back." Pepper said to me as she walks away, leaving me alone in the living room. I sit there in the couch for a few minutes until Pepper comes back, this time with a small girl, who had long brown hair and brown eyes. I look at her as Pepper said. "(Y/n), this is Morgan. Morgan, this is (y/n)'re big sister."

Morgan looks up at Pepper then over at me as I do my best to smile, even though all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry.
"H-Hey, Morgan." I greet as I go and kneel before her. "You're back." She said and I smiled.

"Yeah...yeah I'm back. D-D-Dad made sure I would come back." I said as I choke back tears. "Where is Daddy?" Morgan asked and I frown at this as I look down.

"" Pepper bites her lips as she tries to hold back tears. "Daddy's...Daddy's not coming back. He saved the world. And brought back people like your sister, so that they could live." Pepper explained as best as she could as tears fall down her face.

I look down as my eyes started welling up when Morgan walks up to me. I look at her and both of us stare at each other until she made the first move by hugging me. I let out a sound that was between a sob and a laugh as I hug her back.

"Don't worry, Morgan. I'll protect you. No matter what." I whispered to her as I hold her close then I pick her up as I stand up and she buries her little head into my shoulder as Pepper watches us with a teary smile.

"You know....even when he thought you weren't coming back....he still made a room for you." Pepper said to me, few minutes later, as she takes me to this room. She opened the door and lead me into a nice large bedroom, which had pictures of me when I was little and award certificates from school and a few science fair trophies.

Then on the side table next fo my bed, was a few pictures that made me gasp. One picture was of my mother holding me after I was born. I placed my hand over my mouth as I saw this.

"H-how...?" I asked as I point at the picture of my mom. "Tony made some calls and found some friends of your mother, that were still around, and one of them still had this picture and gave it to him." Pepper replied as I look at the next picture to see it was of me and Peter.

Pete had his right arm around my shoulder and I had my left hand wrapped around his waist as both of us were smiling. We were sitting down at a table as this was a dinner we went to with dad and Pepper to celebrate their engagement.

I bite my lips as I see the next picture and I almost broke down crying. I pick it up and see a younger me being hugged by dad as he kissed the side of my head. This was taking during my 13th birthday. I remember how he teased me about how I was getting older and that I was getting grey hair already and he was gonna kick me out of the house, in his teasing Stark fashion.

I remember freaking out about it but he laughed, then Pepper slapped his shoulder, and he told me not to worry he was just joking around.

Then he came up to me, hugged me and kissed the side of my head as Pepper took this photo. I also remember him telling me that he was proud of me.

I wipe away the tears as Pepper said. "You know...he would come into this room and just sit on this bed and look at these pictures when he was feeling down. You meant so much to him, (y/n). And he missed you, so much.

Even when he acted normal for me and Morgan, I could tell that he was still sad just by looking him in the eyes." Pepper said and I set the photo down on the table and I see something that made my jaw dropped.

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