Chapter 4: You Trust Me?

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The next thing I knew we were in the streets of New York way back in 2012. "All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone, down." Steve said as our Quantum Realm suits come off and revealed our normal clothes. "Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock. Feel free to smash if things don't go your way." Steve said when 2012 Hulk, back when he still was a mindless monster, jumps in and started to smash vehicles and smash the aliens. Then he hops up and down on a car then he jumps away. 

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." Bruce said, shaking his head, as he rips off his shirt then walks over to a car and halfheartedly smashes a car and gives an unenthused roar. I rolled my eyes as I put on my Iron Man suit and began to fly off.

"Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here." I informed him as I scanned the old Stark building. "Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now." Steve said and I fly over the building where I see the six of us surrounding Loki. I enter through the window but hide behind a wall while my suit disappears, revealing my normal clothes.

"If it's all the same to you...I'll have that drink now." Loki said to our past selves. "All right. Good one. No standing around, I'm closing up this door for later. By the way, feel free to clean up." My past self said.

"Ugh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass." I said as I look over at 2012 Steve. "No one asked you to look, Tony." Steve replied to me through the earpiece. "I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass." Scott, who was tiny and on my shoulder, said. 

Kiss ass...I thought as I hear a noise behind me.

I go and hide just as a few people walk out of the door and over to our past selves and started to take Loki's weapon.

"Who are these guys?" Scott asked me. "They are SHIELD... Well, actually Hydra. But, we didn't know that yet." I replied. "Seriously, you didn't? I mean...they look like bad guys." Scott said and I roll my eyes. "You're small, but you're talking loud." I muttered to him as they packed up the weapon and started to leave as our 2012-sleves talk among each other.

"On my way down to coordinate search and rescue." 2012 Steve said as he starts to walk away until Loki transforms to him and mimics Steve. "On my way down to coordinate search and rescue! I mean, honestly! How do you think you'll be..." he said as he starts to turn back to himself but Thor said. "Shut up." And placed a device to cover Loki's mouth.

"All right, you're up, little buddy. There's our stone." I said to Scott as I point towards the case that was holding the Tesseract. "Alright. Flick me." Scott said as he stands on my shoulder. Then I flick him across the room. 

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa." My past self said to Hulk as we all gathered in the elevator. "Hey! Buddy. What do you think? Maximum occupancy has been reached." 2012 me said. "Take the stairs!" The rest of us said. "Yeah. Stop. Stop! Take the stairs." 2012 me said as the elevator doors shut then Hulk punches the door then grumbles. "Take the stairs!"

Then I quickly run out the window and jump out of the window then my suit forms over me.

"All right, Cap. I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor." I said as I scan the building and see them leave with the scepter. "On it." Steve replied and I began to leave.

"Thumbelina, do you copy? I've got eyes on the prize." I said to Scott as I see our 2012selves walk past us. "It is go-time. Bombs away." Scott said then a few seconds later. " that Axe body spray?" He asked. "Yeah, I had a can just for emergencies. Relax. Can we focus, please?" I said just as (y/n) starts running towards my past-self.

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