Hawk v.s Hawk head to head bother and sister

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"Mia hawk v.s ............ wait is this right but..." He walk up Tsunada and showed her the form.

"Mia Hawk vs Carver Hawk..." The crowed was silent.

"Wait is that moms ... Brother?!"

"What the hell I thought we made him leave." Kakashi said concerned.Mia stood there as all here memory's flooded her mined. She was in shock still. Even though she saw him not that long ago it scared her. Her own brother died in front of her. But that's what he thought.

"Sister!" Bethany yelled from the crowed.

"I can prove to you with these words were the real thing." Bethany began to say what was the hawk oath.

"With six Hawks three will fall on the path of evil but with noble Six (Mia ) noble five (Bethany)and noble four(carver) they will protect the land from evil. Noble Six will one day rule wile the others with half royalty will serve Six." This way the oath they to when they were younger. There were a total of six Hawks in one family. then three died. Mia's noble six because she's the youngest and the last Hawk born.

"Hello sister." Carver said. She just stud there frozen she could speak a word. She couldn't believe her eyes it was them it was really them.

"Mia look at me it will be okay you can do this." Kakashi said on the side lines.

"Naw I think I believe them now. Carvers always was an ass and Bethany was always so nice." Bethany smiled and Carver let out a little grin.

"So are we gonna keep talking or fight."

"Ya let's fight good luck Carver."

"Good luck royal basted."


"Okay the challengers are ready. Fight." Carver came at her first. He pulled his sword of his back and came at her. Mia started making hand signs.

" Why do you call her swift runner." Kakashi said scaring Bethany.

"What the hell!!!"

" Why do you call my best friend swift runner?"

"Who the hell.. wait your that one guy that was with Mia."

"Just answer my question."

"Fine the first move she learned was swift runner blow."

"Okay then."


"Just curious." He said walking away.

"I see the way you look at her." He stopped walking.

"The way you held her talked to her you seemed dazed. Your more than friends just don't let Carver that. And it's cute that you guys have your yin and yang necklaces. Take care of her.

"I will don't worry ."

He began walking back to the starting gate.

"Shadow blade." Mia used the shadow blade to block Carvers attack.

"okay Caver it's time to end this. Sharingan, Byakuga , swift runner blow!!!"

"Skills of the hawk!!!" Caver rushed her but then he stopped. Mia began to run as fast as she could around carver then went in and punched him.

"Damit you beat me with a child's move." He said with Mia fist still pressed against his stomach.

"Hey I had to bro."

"No wonder father took you away from her..."

"What!?" Carver fainted before he had the chance to tell her.

"And the winer is Mia Hawk!"

"Carver needs a medic now." The medical ninja came out with a stretcher.

"We'll take him from here."

"Please take care of him."

"We will my lady." They took him to the infamy as Mia was confused as hell.

"Okay Kakashi Hatake come on out. Next match Kakashi Hatake vs Mia Hawk!"


Its glitching sorry guys.

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