Part 22 - On My Mind

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"This is it," he said as we pulled to a stop in front of a dark blue townhouse with a flower bed in front. "It's not much, but-"

"No, it's great," I said to make my dad stop talking as I got out of the car. I grabbed my suitcase from the trunk and then followed my dad's lead to the door. He fumbled around with the key for a minute before he unlocked the door and gestured me to go inside.

As soon as I stepped inside I noticed the faint smell of alcohol lingering in the air. Directly in front of me was a stairway that I assumed led to the bedrooms, and then to my left there was a living room with an attached dining room.

My dad closed the door as I hung up my coat and then slid his running shoes off.

"I was thinking that I could make some dinner," he spoke.

"I'm actually not that hungry," I said.

"Oh, right," Dad said, an awkward silence settling over us.

"So, um, where's my room?"
The room felt cold and dark, and I eyed it warily before I headed in and closed the door behind me. Dad had stayed downstairs to make himself something to eat while I went to explore the upstairs.

When I stepped into the room that my dad had directed me to, the first thing I noticed was how much smaller it was from my room at May's, and how dark it was. I tried flipping the light switch but it did almost nothing, so I dropped my bag at the doorway and opened up the blinds after I closed the door.

The sun shone in through the window and made me feel warm as I looked at how all of the trees were turning different colours for fall. The brown leaves were such a nice contrast against the grass.

Peter had brown hair, and it looked so nice with green shirts.


Before I knew it, I was thinking about Peter.

Stop it, (Y/N), I thought to myself. You came here to get away from him.

I shook my head and then adjusted my hair before I took out my laptop from my bag to try distracting myself. I went to YouTube, and the first thing that came up was a new video of the Spider Man doing stunts. I slammed the computer and realized that it must be an old video since that Tony Stark had taken away Pete's suit.

Homework. Math would distract me.

I pulled out my homework for the week and sat down on my new bed before I tried putting words and numbers together. Nothing made sense. Maybe I should just call Peter-


I should just leave it for now and go back to it later. As I was beginning to give up, I heard footsteps outside of my room, followed by a knock at the door.

"Hey, Princess?" The voice that belonged to my father broke the silence that was constructed around me, causing me to jump. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I croaked out and then flinched slightly when I didn't recognise my own voice. It was rough and dry from crying, something I hadn't noticed was happening.

My dad entered the room and left the door open behind him. "How're you ˆholdin' up?"

"I could be better, I guess," I said and wiped my face with my sleeve, my hair cascading down my face. "But I'll be okay. I've been worse."

He frowned at this statement, knowing full well that it was about him. How he cheated on my step-mother. How he let his promise to her - to both of us - flutter into the garbage.

"Listen, Princess," he began. The way he looked into my eyes, almost pleading, let me know that he was the broken shell of the man he once was. "I made a mistake."

"'A mistake,'" I scored, anger slowly seeping into me as I averted my (e/c) eyes from his own pair. Everyone had always said I had my father's eyes before I moved out, and even though I had loved him at the time, I was never open to the idea of us being anything alike - not matter how true it was.

"A big mistake," he rephrased, but it was a little too late. He walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge, the smell of lingering alcohol carrying over to me from his breath. I was disgusted that he has already started to drink before dinner. "I - we didn't intend for you to find out."

"What?" I asked, lifting my eyes to the man's face.

"Not like that," my father said, shaking his head. I didn't know what he was talking about. He couldn't know about my powers... Could he? "I knew that you had found out the second you went into that room. I didn't know how, but I figured that you musta' heard, no matter how quiet we thought we were being."

I could've told him that I had known before I even stepped foot near that door, that I had seen it in a dream, but I didn't. He would think that I was a freak, and I didn't need that. I was already at the lowest point in my life. I didn't need to go down any further.

"My point is, Pea, I messed up. And maybe you comin' back to me is better for the both of us."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, starting to shrink away from the man in front of me.

"You came back so that I could make it up to you," my father said confidently.

"That's not even close to the reason I came here, and we both know it!" I said, my anger coming back. "This was my second option! I came here to escape from my life for a few days! Not to let you 'make it up to me', because what you did is unforgivable."

"'Your second option,'" my dad taunted, right when I thought the conversation was over. My powers picked up on his tension, and it rolled off of him in waves. "What was your first, then?"

"My friend, Flash," I said unsurely. I had decided, though, that he wouldn't be the best person to go to about Peter, so I came here. "He only lives a few blocks down from my home, so-"

"You're home," he taunted.

"You know, we're not playing the 'copy everything I say' game."


"What are you getting at here, exactly?"

"Oh, nothing."

It was always something.

I used my powers to go into my dad's mind and let his thoughts mix with mine. He wanted me to stay with him - desperately, at that, and would do anything to make sure his wishes carried out.

"I'm only staying here a couple of days, just until my Homecoming, remember?" I said, moving to a standing position across the bed away from my dad.

"Right," he slurred. How much alcohol had he consumed? "A couple of days."

"A couple of days," I repeated firmly. "You know what, get out."

"Hey, this is my house, young lady!"

"I said. Get. Out."

I used my powers to push him out of the room and slam the door. I locked it and clean he'd my jaw when I heard the doorknob jiggle.

This was going to be a long few days.
Hey, Lovelies!
Next chapter is going to be a bit of a time skip where I'm going forward to the days before homecoming.
I know, a bit of a stretch, but it's kinda necessary for the story to progress.
I'm also writing more of my other fanfic based on the Infinity War and Endgame, so if you've seen it or don't mind spoilers, you should go check it out!
Until next time :)

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