Part 5 - Party Hard (Unless You're Spider Man)

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Forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty! I counted as I did push ups in gym class. We were having a free period so I decided that I would complete some goals. The one I had been working on was getting one hundred push ups in a row but God knew that that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

I sat up and looked around the room to find the clock. A couple of minutes still until class ended. I looked around instead to find Peter and Ned who were partnered up. I had let them and hadn't minded in doing so, partly because they were always together and partly because I liked to work alone.

When my eyes rested on the duo I saw that they were looking behind them to Liz and her friends. I wanted to know what they were saying that had the boys so intrigued, so I concentrated and went into Liz's mind.

"For me it would be... f Thor, marry Iron Man and kill Hulk," one of the goons said. It was typical for them to be playing F, Marry, Kill during class. I rolled my eyes but continued to listen.

"Well what about the Spider Man?" another said. I glanced over to Ned and Peter quickly to see that they were still staring.

"It's just Spider Man," Liz corrected, tucking some hair behind her ear. "Did you see that big security cam on Youtube? He fought off, like, four guys!"

"Oh my gosh she's crushing on Spider Man," Blondie said.

"No way," Black Hair said.

"Kind of..." Liz blushed a little as she said this and I rolled my eyes again as her goons all groaned.

"Gross," Blondie said. "He's probably like, thirty."
Liz and Black Hair started to bicker over his appearance when suddenly a new voice came into the conversation.

"Peter knows Spider Man!" Ned suddenly yelled. I lost connection with Liz's brain as I, and the rest of the kids in our gym class, stopped what we were doing and looked at Ned with our mouths agape, glancing at Peter every so often.

"Uh, no! I don't!" Peter said as he stood up quickly, brushing himself off. "I mean..."

"They're friends!" said Ned, almost as if he was urging Peter to tell us the truth.

"Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends," Flash said, jumping down from the ropes that he was exercising on. Everyone but Liz, Michelle, Ned and I snickered at his snarky comment.

"I-I've met him," Peter tried to explain, a blush rising to his face. "Yeah, a couple times. But, um. It's through the Stark Internship. I'm not actually really supposed to talk about it."

In my life, there have been countless times that I've wanted to go into Peter's mind but stopped myself because he's my best friend and he deserves his privacy. He can tell me what he wants, and he knows and respects me for this. This was one of those times. He glanced over to me and I shook my head to let him know that I was only hearing as much as everyone else.

"Well that's awesome," Flash said, though I could hear the taunt in his voice. "Hey, maybe you should invite him to Liz's party, right?"

"Yeah, um, I'm having people over tonight," said Liz with a smile, but I could see right through it. "You're more than welcome to come."

"You're having a party?" Peter asked in disbelief while he stared at Liz.

"Yeah, it's gonna be dope," Flash answered. "You should totally bring your personal pal, Spider Man."

"It's okay," Liz said in a fake sad tone. "I know that Peter's way too busy for parties, anyways."

"Isn't that right, Parker?" as soon as Flash finished his sentence, the bell rang and I ran over to Peter and Ned, just in time to hear Peter mumbling to Ned angrily.

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