- one.

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"i miss mocha" nayeon frowned, you can't blame her though she was already used to waking up with her dog being with her- waking her up by licking her face or jumping at her stomach.

she even thinks that the death of her dog, mocha is worst than her first break up.

actually a lot of people would agree about it, a death of a man's best friend is worst than a break up.

pulling the covers to the side she sat up and heaved a sigh after looking around her room "might as well get used to it" her friends would always go to her house most of the times with their significant others, to somehow cheer her up.

it's been like a week already, and she still couldn't move on about it. call her overreacting and she'll accept that without even thinking twice.

she stood up from her bed and fixed her bed before doing her morning routine. she waddled on her way down to the kitchen with her phone on her hand.

classes will be starting soon which was also one of the reasons why her friends doesn't go to her place that often as before, they're getting ready for another year in college. remembering about it, she heaved a long sigh realizing that she would have to go and buy the things she needs for her college.

after finishing her food she headed to the sink and washed her own plate as she then flopped her own body to couch "what should i watch?" she asked, supporting her head with her other hand as the other was holding the remote towards the tv.

this is boring, nayeon sat up from the sofa deciding to just play with her phone. just in time when she turned her phone on, her phone vibrated- she had received a message from her mother.

without hesitations she unlocked her phone and viewed the message from her mother "did they really did it?" she chuckled before replying to her mother saying that she'll be at her parents' house in thirty minutes or so.

she headed to her room closing the door behind her "maybe paying a visit to my parents wouldn't be bad" she smiled at her own sentence before heading to the bathroom with a towel on her hand to take a quick shower.


"mom, i'm home!" she yelled as she closed the door behind her, she raised a brow when she heard yelps along with laughs from upstairs but the other voiced wasn't familiar "does mom has guest?" she questioned before heading upstairs directly to a specific room where she heard her mom laughing with another girl (?) yelping.

what's a short girl whom she assumes is around fourteen or thirteen years old, and why is her mother tickling that young girl?

"ah! stop i'm gonna pee!" the girl yelped but the lady continued to do so

the girl stopped squirming under the lady who also stopped tickling the young girl and turned to look at the door after hearing a familiar voice calling her out, the lady's smile grew wider.

"nayeon!" the lady stood up and embraced nayeon into a tight hug, it's been like a month since they last saw and interacted each other.

oh, how much they missed each other.

the said girl hugged back with a wide smile plastered on her face but couldn't help but raise a brow at the girl sitting at the bed looking at them hugging with full admiration.

the lady was the first one to break the hug and giggle when she turned to look at the thirteen year old girl that stood up from the bed and bowed at nayeon as a sign of respect. the lady carefully pulled the young girl and faced her real daughter.

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