- three.

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"i'm back!" nayeon announced as she went in to the house with the dog on her arms. nayeon couldn't hold back her ( teasing yet sweet ) smile upon seeing the two teenagers asleep "no wonder i didn't hear a response" she chuckled.

jisung and chaeha was sleeping quite comfortably, i guess ; chaeha's head was placed on top of jisung's shoulder while his head was on the back rest of the couch with his hand placed on top of her small hand. they had a blanket hanged on their shoulders that wasn't really covering them much. the tv was also on, playing some horror movies — these two probably fell asleep while watching.

nayeon placed the dog down and placed her index finger on top of her lips, shushing it. the dog stopped wagging it's tail for a while and tilted it's head as he looked at the two, who is this young girl? the dog asked himself.

on the other hand, nayeon had already fished her phone out from her pocket and took some pictures of the two "they looked pretty good together, don't you think?" she shifted her gaze to the dog who had started wag it's tail, nayeon giggled.

nayeon quietly skipped towards the kitchen while the little pup followed her from behind after looking up one last time to the teenagers sleeping at the couch.

nayeon didn't took too long and had already cooled plenty of pancakes and some teokkboekki. she shrugged her head and chuckled "was they really that bored of that movie?" she questioned, gazing at the teenagers who were still sleeping.

the two seemed to be already comfortable with each other which pretty much shook nayeon. the two just met hours ago. oh well, at least now chaeha has a new friend who can sure help her improve her korean studying stuff. maybe nayeon should make chaeha study at the same school with jisung, by that there would be someone to look out at chaeha for nayeon.

speaking of looking, nayeon failed to find seungcheol. jisung sure would be upset. might as well take the two out tomorrow and look for seungcheol together.

she heaved a sigh, disappointed of herself as she sat beside the dog. "where are you cheol ?" looking up to the dark sky, she couldn't help wonder and be worry about seungcheol state. a lot of questions were running around her mind.

"i'm here" he said upon hearing his name, but what nayeon  heard was only a short bark from him. damn that creepy man.

gazing down to the puppy she smiled and started to pet it "you're right." and for a moment right there he really thought she heard him, not his bark "i should not worry a lot, i'll continue to search for him tomorrow. together with jisung and chaeha" she giggled before pushing herlsef off the ground, dusting off her pants and hands.

grabbing a sticky note from the side of the tv along with a pen from the same place. she wrote 'i'll be back, i'll just grab some clothes for the both of us. i cooked some pancakes and teokkboekki for the both you, eat up both of you.' finishing the note with her name and a smiley face on the bottom of the sticky note, she sticks it to chaeha's phone.

gently scooping the puppy to her arms, she bopped its nose with smile "i know your hungry, i shall take you with me to my home. i'm pretty sure i still have a pack of dog food"

feeling bad for her about her dog's death, he only snuggled closer to the girl "i'm sorry nayeon" he whispered to himself


"hey wait—" she giggled softly as she continue to chase the dog who had her designer shoes, gucci.

she's rich, she could just buy a new one right? well she could, but this shoe is just too special  for her. it was given to her by someone special, by someone she had admired for years now.

finally catching up, she scooped the dog to her arms and pulled the gucci shoe before placing the dog down.

apparently, upon stepping a fo— i mean paw, seungcheol felt himself hyped up and the next thing he knew he was already playing with the gucci shoe he gave to nayeon as her birthday gift back then when she turned twenty two.

being a little puppy he is he couldn't reach for it. well, he wasn't even half way through reaching it.

"that's mine" he barked, continuously jumping and wagging its tail

after putting the shoe someway too high for him, she crouched down to the dog "please, not that shoe. that shoe is just too special for me. hm?" he couldn't really understand her, how is that shoe too special ?

sure it's pricey, but for what he remembers nayeon isn't that type of person who is materialistic. she's more of a keeper of friends — she'd even rather give away her stuff than actually throw it, sometimes she even goes through diy for her old stuff. nayeon prefers to be spending time with friends than to actually keep a pair of gucci shoes unless—

sighing, she smiled "a very special person to me, gave that to me as a gift in my twenty second birthday. i've been admiring him for some years now" she chuckled. why is she even telling this to the dog ?

"she likes me? for some time now ?" he thought to himself.

catching the pup's attention after petting it she stood up with a smile "come, i'm sure you're hungry"

shrugging the thoughts off, he decided to just follow nayeon to kitchen "i sure am" he barked sitting by the dog bowl, like the nice and obedient pup he is.

after some time of tiptoeing to reach the cupboard where the dog food was left. she's blaming mingyu, that giant placed it there.

after filling the bowl up she smiled in satisfaction and place the bag of dog food on the kitchen counter. seungcheol started to feast on his bowl of dog food as soon as nayeon picked up the water bowl and turned around to fetch some water for him.

"god,these taste good" seungcheol mumbled as he continued to munch down— feeling himself getting bigger. this is different from the feeling of being full. shrugging it off once again, he continues to eat his bowl of dog food.

the next thing he knew bright light blinded him for a moment as he turned back to human. being too hungry he is decided to grab the bag of dog food on the counter.

"hOLY SHT" was the first thing that came out from her mouth when she saw seungcheol munching down the bag of dog foods. finding it weird,her eyes traveled down to his feet which made her realize something


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