- four.

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"you did what with who now?" nayeon asked, confused of seungcheol 'story telling'.

seungcheol had been repeating it to her fourth time already but here's nayeon questioning what's what with his life that he had suddenly disappears and comes back as brown golden retriever puppy- well, nayeon brought him back, if that does makes sense to you.

seungcheol face palmed but chuckled nonetheless "do i have to repeat it, again?" it's quite tiring to chat and make them understand if you'd ask him.

especially if the chat is long- sort of.

nayeon pursed her lips into a thin line with her cheeks a bit puffed out as she shrugged her head for her response to his question.

"are you sure?"

"okay- i'm just confused okay" and there she goes again with the rambling. seungcheol couldn't help but giggle "it's just that the part where a widowed looking woman who seemed to be pretty came to you and cursed you for kicking that- hEY how the hell was a dog involved in this" she questioned, frustrated upon realizing that seungcheol was practically cursed for killing a dog.

"i told you it was an accident!"

the shorter girl raised a brow and folded her arms "oh yeah?"

"yeah!" he isn't even lying. his girlfriend broke up with him because he was accused to had cheated then he got into a fight because of the break up. "i was upset, okay? i was kicking rocks then this dog comes up to me by my legs and me being me tried to shoo it off but-"

"but you kicked it too hard that it went to the road?" she interrupted, brows still raised, arms folded, her head titled a bit to the side

he quickly shifted his position towards nayeon who was sitting at one of the arm rest of nayeon's beige couches and protested "it was an accident!"

nayeon had enough of it, she felt funny and woozy as she tried her best to understand the situation sungcheol is in. it's already believable though - i mean, why wouldn't she believed it when she had already seen sungcheol transform back into a puppy ( which was after like two hours of eating a bowl of dog feed ) then turn back to his original form after eating the same thing ; dog food.

"wear a shirt at least" she told him as she threw a hoodie that seungcheol which nayeon had after he lend it to her to cover herself up.

and yes she had seen him naked.

"jisung's already dying of missing you, cheol" she says, picking up one of bags from the side of couch, not even giving the taller guy a glance "i don't think it'll be easy to tell them-"

sungcheol widen his eyes and stood up "no!" he interrupted

"what do you mean no?"

they'll definitely think they're going psycho or something "let's not tell them. please"

"and, why not exactly?" she questioned, a brow raised in confusion as she then threw the other bag to seungcheol which he caught in his arms.

he run a hand through his hair and sighed "they're gonna think we're on drugs" he replies.

"they'll find out either way, cheol" nayeon started to make her way out of the house with him following her from behind "lock the door."

and he did.

the two college students made their way towards nayeon's car as they continue to argue about the same matters. if you were there to see them being like this, you'd probably think they were some old married couple.

"and once he does, he's gonna hate us for not telling him what was really what" nayeon concludes, slamming the door shut at her side after taking the driver's seat.

he flashes her a smile after shutting the door beside him after taking his seat beside her "but we'll jisung that we did that because they'll obviously think we were going crazy — like i said earlier" he protests.

"fine. do you then."

"okay you know what?" nayeon didn't bother glancing at him as she started the engine and drove away from the place "let's change the topic"

nayeon hummed in response, eyes fixed on the road not wanting to get into some sort of road accident again.

"i've been gone for a day, and—"

"days." nayeon interrupts "three days actually"

he had his mouth agape in surprise. days? how come he didn't noticed it? he shook his head "anyways, as i was saying— it's only been days but seems like my cousin had already plugged put some courage to ask a girl out" he chuckles.

nayeon's brows raised, taking a short glance at him "what now?"

surely the topic intertwined the both of them ; nayeon had a small smile that was screaming tease while he had an unknowing smile, he looked so proud for some reasons "that girl on the couch with jisung on the couch" she only hummed "that was his girlfriend, right?"

she couldn't hold it anymore "she's my sister dumbass" she laughed "and no, she's not. they just met, surely they just got bore with the movie and fell asleep"


the sound of a doorbell rang which caught the young man's attention "coming, noona" he yelled from the kitchen where he and chaeha was, enjoying they're food.

the two woke up with an awkward atmosphere which jisung broke with one of his dad jokes. their food just got out of the microwave a few minutes ago which means they had just started eating.

"hyung!" without any warning, he leaped towards the man and embraced him with hug "where have you been— i'm gonna tell mum you've been a a bad cousin' he joked.

seungcheol laughed "sorry bud, my phone died on the way there" his hand landed on jisung's hair and ruffled it. jisung badly wanted to question his cousin's reply but hold himself back nonetheless "oh, hi there little one!" he waved at the girl with a smile

"hi," she bowed with a small smile

nayeon and seungcheol got it the house after being greeted and bombarded with question by no other than jisung. their answers were questionable

"so where did you guys meet?" jisung asks

"park" "my home." both of the college students replied earning questioning looks from the younger ones "nayeon's home" "at the park" they said in sync. both of them  exchanged looks and flashed their best smiles.

nayeon heaved a sigh "at the park."

"okay..." chaeha trailed off, not really buying their words.

jisung had his lips pursed into a thin line its corners curved up "okay, one more thing"

"yes" nayeon and seungcheol answered in sync.

"why does hyung smell badly like one of mocha's dog food?"

— t b c —


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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