- two.

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"unnie, what's wrong?" nayeon's now younger sister asked noticing the older being such in a rush, beads of sweat running down to her face, nayeon looked worried "are you okay, unnie?" and of course chaeha was worried for her.

nayeon glanced at the younger for a second flashing her a small smile before looking back to the road "u-uhm. yeah, don't worry." her hands were gripping on the wheel "we're just gonna go to a friend of mine, will be it okay for you?" nayeon still had the small of hers, chaeha smiled and nodded her head obediently.

soon enough they've arrived to nayeon's desired location, she parked her car to the side and went to the house with the younger girl following from behind. she knocked on the door for a few times while calling a guys name. chaeha? she was standing behind nayeon looking all conscious

the door opened revealing a tall guy, way taller than nayeon especially than cheaha. he looked like he had been crying for quite a while now

"what happen—" before nayeon could finish her sentence the tall guy engulfed her into a hug and continued to cry, his sobs clear and loud "shh, it's alright" she patted his pack to comfort him. she broke the hug giving him a smile "what happened?" she asked looking all worried and all.

the tall guy wiped his cheeks that's stained with tears with his sleeves "noona, i can't find him." he sniffed

"shh, it's alright, everything will be fine. stop crying, ji" nayeon assured the younger yet way taller guy, patting it's back "let's get inside first, okay?"

jisung nodded his head and was about to get in when he saw a small figure behind nayeon "uhm, noona." he tapped nayeon's shoulder who giggled at the young boy's reaction upon seeing an unfamiliar small girl

"that's chaeha" nayeon smiled. jisung was yet about to open his mouth and ask something but just had to stop him "let's get indisde first shall we"

the two teenagers nodded their heads and followed nayeon inside the the slightly big house with jisung closing the door from behind. the three of them settled at the couch in the living room although chaeha was sitted on the comfy chair away from the two to give respect.

then jisung spoke to nayeon, telling her that his cousin, choi sungcheol had been missing for three days now "where was the last time you saw him?" nayeon raised a brow at the younger

"for what i remember, it was here at home— he said he'll be going out for a while" jisung frowned "but it's already been three days, and i haven't gotten any text for from hyung nor from his friends about his state"

nayeon drew comforting circles at the back of the young man's back "it's alright, we'll find him if that's the case" she smiled reassuring the younger.

they continue to talk for about ten minutes or so then nayeon stood up from her seat "you stay here, i'll go look for him" she informed

"can i come?" the two teenagers asked in sync causing nayeon to giggle at the both of them

she shook her head as a no "you guys stay here"

"but noona—"

"no, jisung. look, you're already tired, you're face looks swallowed" she confessed. jisung only frowned nodding his head, then nayeon turned to the small girl who was also about to protest about staying at this house with a guy she doesn't even know but of course nayeon got a head of her "you also chae, please stay here and look after jisung who knows what he'll do."

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