(Y/n)'s POV
I looked at the table where Mr. Ainsley sat. I saw my mother and father, they look uncomfortable and somewhat terrified. They soon saw me and Leo coming up to the table and their faces change into a forced smile, but they look rather uneasy."Good evening uncle" I greeted with a smile. "Good evening (y/n)." He greeted back, his expression never changed. He was stoic as ever. His father was as perfect looking as his son. He has gold-blonde hair, pale skin and has deep ocean blue eyes like Leo. Honestly, he didn't look like he was a father. He looked somehow young.
I sat beside my mother and looked at her "Good evening mother." I greeted with a smile, she looked at me and gave me a smile "why didn't you come home yesterday night? We were worried. You should have called the limo." She sigh.
My mother worries about me too much, and so does my father. My mother has the most angelic appearance I've ever seen, she's a pretty popular model. And as for my father, he's an actor, really popular too.
They were a perfect-looking people. "Pardon me, but where is mother?" Leo asked his father, uncle Ainsley looked up at him and looked elsewhere "she didn't want to come." He responded. I frowned at the thought of it. Leo's mother didn't approve of us being together, she kept trying to break us apart whenever she gets the chance.
"Oh. Well, why did you call us this evening?" Leo questioned, "I wanted to talk to the two of you about your relationship." Uncle Ainsley explained. "And?" Leo rest his elbow at the table as he rest his chin at his hand and looked at his father with boredom.
both of me and Leo stayed silent. We wait for Uncle Ainsley to talk. I glance at my parents and they look uneasy again, something wasn't right at all. They were very social people, but my parents stayed quiet until now.
I looked back at Uncle Ainsley "You know how the (l/n) and the Ainsley family are very well bonded together throughout the years, and I decided to discuss with the (l/n) family about the two of you getting married. And--" Uncle Ainsley stop and looked at my hand that was resting at the table, he looked back at Leo "Are you two--?" A smile came across my face as i nod.
"He already proposed to me yesterday night uncle Ainsley." I chuckle, "W-what?!" My father yelled, he slam his hands at the table as he stood up. I looked at him with a shock look, my father look at me as he cleared his throat.
"I-I mean yes...yes! I-I'm very happy for you, (y/n) darling." He slowly sat back to the comfy chair. "I'm very sorry for the sudden reaction of my husband, he..he's just very happy to see our daughter become Leo's--"
She glance at Leo and gulped as she turned away "L-Leo's beautiful bride..." My mother bowed her head down and almost said those words in a whisper. "Mother, are you okay?" I asked, both of my parents looked up at me and smiled.
She cupped my cheek and nod "Of course we are darling, this is splendid." She gave me a closed-eye smile. I smiled back and turned to Uncle Ainsley "Good. Since we already heard that the two of you are already engaged, I think theres nothing else we should discuss about." Uncle Ainsley stood up and left.
Both of my parents looked at both of us and sigh. They both left the table and I turned to look at Leo "Was there something I said wrong?" I asked, "They must have been a bit surprise. I'll be going to the restroom. Wait for me here (y/n)." Leo stood up and i nod.
He left the table and went to the restroom. When he was out of view, I got up from the table and explored around a bit, "No...no! This can't be happening!" I heard a familiar voice at the hallway of the elevators, I peeked a little and to my surprise, I saw my parents.
I stepped out from the corner and looked at them "What do you mean not happening?" I asked.

𝘾𝘼𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙍 (𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚!𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧) (𝙐𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙)
Horror(Y/n) is the wife of the Ainsley's son, Leo Ainsley. They were once a perfect couple. Once. Many people find them quite a charm, but behind those charm is a cruel reality of their relationship. (Y/n) was abused, mistreated and was kept hidden behin...