Chapter 4

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"Darling! W-we didn't see you there!" My father laughed nervously. They clearly avoided my question "Answer my question." I demanded. "Darling its nothing you should be worrying about." My mother smiled at me "Is it about the engagement? Aren't you already settled with me and Leo's relationship?" I frowned.

"N-no! Its not about that...its uhm...its about the business trip, we're going to Seattle, but there had been so much things going on for the trip." My mother sigh "Me and Leo could help out." I smiled at her.

Her eyes went wide open "N-no its quite fine dear. We're already working on it." Father stepped in, a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder behind me. I looked up and saw Leo "Hello Aunt and Uncle (L/n), but i think me and (y/n) would be going now." Leo gave them a polite smile.

"Of course Leo. (y/n), darling, you don't have to worry about us. We're going to be fine. We are not your priority." And with that, both of my parents left as they gave me a peck on the cheek.

I frowned as they went inside the elevator and left. "Is there something wrong (y/n)?" Leo asked. "I just can't believe it. They won't let me even help them, don't they trust me anymore Leo?" I turned to look at him.

"Of course they do. Maybe they just want you to be happy, and after all, it is true that they are not your priority." Leo responded, even he thinks that I shouldn't help my parents out anymore.

"Oh, okay...maybe you're right Leo." I said. We head downstairs and was greeted by lots of paparazzi's outside the building. "What's going on here?" Leo hissed, one of the worker's gulped "S-sir Leo, they apparently saw Mr. And Mrs. (l/n) enter the building. Its possible that one paparazzi spot them."

The worker explained. "Miss (y/n)! miss (y/n)!" They called out for me. I didn't like being the center of attention, it gave me anxiety, and Leo knows that. I hid behind Leo's back, Leo held onto my waist and covered my face with his hand.

I saw him slid out his phone from his pocket and called someone. I couldn't hear their conversation since the paparazzi were so noisy. We went out of the building and I saw a glance of the paparazzi being shushed by guards.

They look scary and tough looking. We went inside the Lamborghini and Leo started the car. "Leo watch out! You might hit the girl!" I almost yelled when he almost hit one of the female paparazzi's.

I looked at him and a dark aura was surrounding him. He turned to look at me and his dark aura disappeared and gave me a smile. "Sorry, she was in the way." He said, we got out of the paparazzi's that was giving us some trouble to get out and drove away as fast as possible.

We arrived back at his mansion and went inside. Me and Leo went upstairs at my bedroom as I threw my hands up and stretch. He unloosened his tie as a sigh escaped his mouth, "What a day that was." I chuckle. He looked at my way and made eye contact with my (e/c) eyes.

He stepped towards me and wrapped his arms around my (w/s) waist as he pulled me towards his hard chest, he bent down and kissed me. He pushed my head forward for a deeper feeling, we broke apart after a few minutes for oxygen.

I looked deeply into his eyes and it was filled with clouds of lust and want. He was ready for another round when he was abruptly interrupted by a loud knock on the door. He unwrapped his hand around my waist and scowled, he opened the door and looked at the butler.

"What is it." Leo spoke coldly. The butler paused for a moment until he purposely cleared his throat and spoke "Sir, you have a meeting to attend. They're already downstairs." I overheard their conversation as Leo sigh, he looked annoyed.

He turned to look at me and i gave him a smile and nod. "You should go. It must be important." I giggled, "Please stay in your room. Don't ever come out of your bedroom. Simon, guard her door just in case." Leo demanded. "But--" Leo gave me a look as if i have no choice but to obey to his demands.

I zipped my mouth shut and nod. A smile curved up on his mouth "I'll be going now." He went out of the room and Simon, the butler of this mansion closed the door. I heard a click sound, Leo must have locked it. I sigh and looked outside the window, what a wonderful weather it is.

I was interrupted by loud gunshots from downstairs. I jumped out of the bed, startled from the sudden noise. My heart began to beat fast, I ran towards the door and twist it open, but it was locked. "Simon get me out of here! What's going on down there?! Is there robbers?! Where's Leo?!"

I was paranoid. Who wouldn't be?! I pounded on the door as Simon unlocked it. And before I could sprint downstairs to find Leo, he had his two strong arms on my shoulder blades, stopping me. "Miss (y/n), there is absolutely nothing to worry about. That was just....that was just party poppers." Simon explained as calm as possible, "What? Do you think i could fall for that trap?! Party poppers at a meeting? No way!" I replied back.

"Miss (y/n), you must be informed that one of the people that sir Leo is having a meeting with has brought a child with them." Simon explained once again. My heart began to beat normally again as i understood, "o-oh..."

𝘾𝘼𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙍 (𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚!𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧) (𝙐𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now