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I'm crying right now because somebody from my school got into a car accident and didn't make it. I swear my community is cursed. I live in a very small community so everybody knows everybody. In the past 5 years 7 people( that are a big part if the school) have past. 6 of those people were students. The other was the principle. 6 of them were also from car accidents and I don't know exactly how to explain what happened to the other. 2 of those people past away just this year. 3 of them in 2016. 1 in 2017. 1 in 2018. I may have only known 1 of them personally but I truly miss all of them. The boy that just past got into a car accident  not even a week before his graduation. I am just glad that he at least got to experience his senior prom. I'm not religious but God bless them all.

A/N: This is not being disrespectful to anybody. I know some people might take it that way but I just need to somehow explain how our community is hurting from everything. I know some other community probably has it worse but I just really need support. So I am very sorry if this offended you.

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