chapter 5 (Percy Jackson)

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Being shoved against a wall by some British dude wasn't on my bucket list.
Were mortal police even aloud to do that?
In any other circumstances I would have taken out riptide but It wouldn't matter because riptide couldn't hurt mortals.

Seeing this man stare at me made me uncomfortable. I didn't know what to make of the situation. Something felt off.
This guy wasn't a monster but he certainly didn't seem too human.
When he put me down I stumbled backwards "what the hades!" I yelled "I have no idea what you're talking about!"
This gave be flashbacks to when I was twelve. Back when I was framed for a stealing a lighting bolt.
Why did this guy think I'd stolen something from the gods?
His partner didn't seem too worried. Maybe he had to much to drink.

When the blond headed girl turned me around to handcuff me I turned my head to give my mum a reassuring smile.
Hopefully she would call chiron and Annabeth so they could bale me out.
Sadly I knew why they were here.
She was a daughter of Ares and nicer then Clarisse. Annabeth and I both met her on our way to Los Angeles for a quest. Apprently she snuck out and was trying to get back to camp because there were so many monsters atacking her.
Then that night... I wasn't fast enough...
A hell hound came out of no wear and... It killed her.
A bunch of monsters had been following me and Annabeth and one of them killed Eva. I blame myself, I should have been more careful. We didn't have enough time to hide her body or give her a proper burial. So when we got back to camp we did. We honered her life but still a part of me belives I could have done something. That guilt will always lay on me like a heavy burden. It was only a matter of time before mortal cops discoverd her. As chiron said the mist would cover up most evidence but still they saw me and Annabeth on the secerity footage... Maybe that's all they needed?
It was selfish of me to think the helhound killed Eva. It was me! Annabeth won't let me think that she'll keep telling me "Percy it's not your fault. She was dying there was nothing we could do"

"we could have taken her back to camp"

"they wouldn't have been able to do anything" she said symphetcly "the wounds were too deep"

My heart hammered when I remembered her pleading eyes
"percy" Eva whispered "i-i I'm dying...let m-me die. I'll die a h-hero"

I don't want to remember what happened next.

I was snapped back to reality when I heard the female police officers voice

"we are almost in Los Angeles"

"yay" I mumbled.

Percy Jackson crossover Lucifer Where stories live. Discover now