New Friends, Old Memories

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Heyguys! Thesongiskindofrelevant, butIjustloveit! Enjoy! *gaspsinstensely* YOUGIYSAREIMFOR A SIRPRISE?!!


I stare at the boy walking down the hall, memories flashing in my mind. This was the boy that had been my best friend in kindergarden, Ferb Fletcher. And not only was he my best friend, he was also my crush. And he still is.

I run towards him and we collide in a hug. "Ferb," I say, resting my head on his purple sweater to where I can hear his heartbeat. Yeah, I'm that short.

"Huah?" He says, looking down at me. I look up and see a confused look on his face. He immediately changes his face from one of confusion to one of realization. "Angel!!" he says.

I nod. I haven't seen him since kindergarden, but I would never forget his distinctive green hair.

"Ferb, my you know August?" Phineas asks. Ferb nods. "Cool, " Phineas says.

"How long have you known Ferb, August? And do you have any nicknames?" Isabella says.

"We've known each other since kindergarden," I say, my British accent slipping out. Since Ferb and I had lived in England, we each have an accent. This is my first time living in the States. "And you can call me A or Gust."

"Alright Gust," Isabella says, smiling brightly.

Ferb smiles.

We hear the bell ring, meaning that we had to get to class. I follow Isabella and Phineas. No Ferb though. Since I came in the middle of March, they know where the classes are. We walk into a classroom, Ms. Blend's I'm guessing. I see a young woman, probably just out of college. She has raven black hair, rectangular glasses, a white v-neck T-shirt, and black jeans.

I straighten out my plain black T-shirt and watch as Isabella, Phineas, and Ferb sit down. Ms. Blend walks over to me.

"Ah," she says, "you must be August the new student from England."

I nod. "Yes." She smiles.

"Okay. You can sit in the seat next to Isabella." I sit in the seat to the left of Isabella. Ms. Blend writes some words on the board. I recognize them as oxymorons. Random order, run slowly, dark snow, worthless gold, short wait. Ms. Blend turns to the class.

"Alright, class. Who can tell me what these are?" she says. A few other students and I raise our hands. "Hmm August."

I look around since I am not used to kids looking at me when I answer a question. "Um, they're oxymorons."

"That's right. Today's lesson is about oxymorons. If a phrase is oxymoronic, then the two words contradict each other. Random order is saying that the items are in random placement, but the word order suggests that they are in specific order." Ms. Blend explains. She continues on, but I tune her out since I already know everything there is to know about oxymorons. I studied English on my own back when I was homeschooled in England.

A piece of paper lands on my desk. I look to my left. A boy with black hair, obviously dyed, and blue eyes is smiling slightly at me. I open the note.

W: Hey, August, right?

I pick up my pencil and write back.

A: Yeah. What's your name?

I told up the paper and hand it to him. He writes back after unfolding the paper.

W: Werren. Where are you from?

A: Cheshire, England. You?

W: Gilbert, Arizona. I just moved here in September.

I shiver from the breeze from the window. The March weather in Danville is nothing compared to the March weather in Cheshire.

A: As you can already tell, I just moved here.

W: Yeah. XD What's it like in England?

A: Cold and British. With a hint of tea. What's it like in Arizona?

W: Hot and Native American. With a hint of cactus. :)

I smile. He's nice.

A: So what's it like here? Any tips?

W: Oh God. Uhm... It's pretty cool. Don't go making friends with the wrong people. Don't get involved with the populars unless you truly belong. But judging by how you're treating me, you don't.

I tilt my head.

A: What do you mean, 'how I treat you'?

W: I don't want to talk about it.

I nod.

A: Okay.

Just then, the bell rings. I gather up my stuff and look at my schedule. Math next. Ugh. My worst subject. I walk to Isabella. "Where's math with Ms.... Williams? "

Isabella nods. "You're in luck. Ferb has math next. It's room 273, just down the hall on the right. " I nod and follow her directions, apologizing when I am late.

The teacher, Ms. Williams, nods politely. She looks young, with dark blonde hair and purple eyes. She is wearing a beret with a maple leaf on it and a matching skirt and jacket. Under her jacket, she is wearing a soft yellow blouse.

I sit down next to Ferb. Surprisingly, the lesson is easy. Just some simple probability problems.

~*-*~ (( this means time skip))

After school, Ferb invites me to his house. We walk since he doesn't live that far.

"Hey, August?" He asks after we enter. "You hungry?"

I nod. "Yeah, kind of."

"Okay! Chips okay with you?"


I sit down on the couch, staring at the turned off TV. I see Phineas walk into the room. I smile at him.

"Hey Phineas." I say. He just nods and offers his hand to me. I grab it and stand up. He pulls me with him, not saying a word.

We walk to what I presume is his room. He closes the door, but I notice it is still a bit ajar. He pushes me against the wall.

"How dare my brother do this to me..." He growls under his breath. He presses his lips forcefully to mine, holding my hands above my head. I try to turn my head away, but he keeps my head still.

I hear Ferb calling my name. I want to go to him, but Phineas won't allow it.

The door creaks open and I see Ferb standing there. It takes a minute for Ferb to realize what's happening, but when he does, he drops the teacups he was holding on the ground, glass going everywhere.



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