Chapter 24

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I had my eyes wide up to see who had grabbed hyuna's hand.

"H-hyunwoo what are you doing here?!' Shouted kihyun in a surprised tone.

I was also very surprised and confused to see Hyunwoo here, standing in front me and holding back hyuna's hand.

"Oh the cruise ended early my mother got seasick" Hyunwoo said as he smiled.

"L-let me go!" shouted hyuna as she struggled to release herself from hyunwoo's strong grip.

He just tightened his hold around her wrist and she whined in pain.

"Well I'm glad you showed, you came just in time to save me from getting slapped" I said as I approached him.

"How were you going to let a girl slap you Wonho? How low have you gotten" he said as he released hyuna.

She then fell on the floor and held her wrist and tears were beginning to fall.

"I-I'll sue you for this, you'll regret it" she shouted as she held back more tears that were going to fall.

"I would like to see you try" I said as I glared at her.

"I mean you can try, my name is Im Changkyun and I'm sure you know what that means" said Changkyun as he stepped up and approached hyuna.

Hyuna had her eyes wide open. "I-Im Changkyun" she said as she slowly looked up.

"Oh well it seems that you know that both my parents are in the law field, my mother being an attorney and my father being a lawyer, so you must know what that means" he said as he grinned and crouched down to her level.

"I dare you to take this to court and try to sue" he said as he smiled evily.

I looked back at jooheon and saw that he was adjusting his collar. "He's so fucking hot" jooheon said in a low voice thinking no one would hear.

I rolled my eyes.

I then payed back attention to hyuna, who was still on the floor. I saw her clench her fist and she started shaking.

"You know what, fuck all of you, I'll make Hyungwon hate you all!" She said as she looked up and shouted.

"I won't only get revenge on Wonho but I'll get revenge on all of you and I'll do anything to make you all feel my wrath" she said as she got up and started swaying and laughing.

"H-hyuna that's enough you don't need to do anymore" said Jihyo as she slowly approached Hyuna.

Hyuna turned back and smiled. "Don't worry Jihyo, I'm not taking revenge for you anymore, I'm doing it now for my own satisfaction, I want them to feel despair and get what they deserve" she said as she turned back and faced us.

"I'll ruin you all one by one, and when I'm done I'll make Hyungwon mine, mine and only just mine, not your Wonho's or any of yours" she said as she approached me.

She stopped in front of me and shoved me, well at least tried to. I didn't move one bit and I just stood there and stared at her.

"Hey you do know that's useless right" I said as I stared at her and grinned.

She bit her bottom lip and started shaking with anger.

"Jihyo call brother, he'll handle these fools by himself, oh and Hyungwon won't be back for a while I told him to buy me a drink" she said as she glared at all of us.

"S-sis I don't think we should involve brother, I mean its six against one" she said as she didn't move an inch to do what her sister told her to do.

"You do know bro is well know for his martial arts skills, he will be able to handle these fools" hyuna said as she got irritated.

"I won't call him, it's stupid to call him!" Shouted jihyo as she started to cry.

"Fine I'll do it, you go away and cry somewhere else" said hyuna as she reached in her pocket and got her phone.

We just stood there in disbelief on how idiotic and petty hyuna is.

"Well I will love to meet your brother then hyuna" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh don't worry you will, I just texted him and he said he's on his way and he said he'll beat all of you up to a bloody pulp" she said as she crossed her arms and smiled.

"You really are stupid it's the six of us against your one brother" said Minhyuk in an irritated tone.

"Like I said my brother is well known for his martial arts skills, he's actually won tournaments and he can handle the six of you" she said cockily.

"Oh will you look at that he just texted me saying that he's here" she said as she smiled. "Your all doomed."

I glared and clench my fist.

"I'm not sure about that" said a male voice. After that there was a loud thud.

Everyone turned around to the voice. I was very shocked to see who it was.

It was Hyungwon and next to him was a man laying on the ground.

He then walked up and stopped in front of hyuna.

"Is this your so called mighty brother" he said in a cold tone.

Hyuna was very surprised to see Hyungwon and she was at a loss of words.

"Oh and here's your drink" he said as he pulled out a drink and he began pouring it all over hyuna.

"Maybe this will cool you down or maybe make you smarter and less stupider" he said in a cold tone.

He then dropped the drink and approached me.

He stopped in front of me. "Hey sorry about before, I should've listened to you" he said as he looked me straight in the eye.

I smiled, "it's fine and I'm glad you now see how fake this bitch is" I said as I put my hand over his shoulder.

"H-hyungwon why did you do this to me, he and his friends were in the wrong, they were the ones that bullied me!" She shouted angrily.

Hyungwon then sighed.

He walked back up to hyuna. "I've heard everything you said, I was around the corner the whole time" he said.

"B-but how, you went to go get drinks" she said as she stuttered.

"Well I did get drinks but I came back earlier and I coincidentally met up with Hyunwoo, we walked back together and he told me about you at first I didn't believe it, but once we reached this hallway, you were about to slap Wonho. I was going to go and stop you but he told me he was going to, he also told me to stand and watch, and so I did" he said as he explained everything.

I had my eyes wide open. I looked back at Hyunwoo and saw that he was smiling. "You little smart piece of shit" I said as I put up a fake smile.

I then payed back attention to Hyungwon who was being hot as fuck right now in arguing with hyuna.

"But to be honest I've always known that something was up with you, but I just didn't know, but now I do" Hyungwon said in a cold tone.

Hyuna clenched her fist.

"Well hyuna I guess it was nice being your little revenge toy" Hyungwon said as he hissed.

"Y-you, you'll regret it, I won't get my revenge on you but I'll make you suffer but I'll mostly make Wonho and them suffer" she said as she stared at me and the rest.

"Oh now that's where you fucked up in, I won't let you lay a finger on any of my friends including Wonho" said Hyungwon in an angry tone.

Hyuna shivered in fear from Hyungwon's tone.

"Well goodbye hyuna and oh my security team is here, they'll arrest you, your brother and your little sister, well you'll probably just get expelled and maybe your family will go bankrupt" I said as I put my arms around Hyungwon's waist.

I felt him flinch.

"Well goodbye" I said one last time as I walked out with Hyungwon and the rest of my friends.

To be continued...

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