Happy Smiles Orphanage (1/2)

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In which Peter just wants to have the kids at HSO to get a good home. He's one of the kids getting a home.

Peter closed his eyes. It was as silent as New York could be. Cars whizzed by, people were talking too loud, Ms. Breckinridge was fighting with her new boy toy.

Peter couldn't sleep though, he knew he should but his mind screamed danger. Peter felt numb.

After so many hits, so many punches and bruises. Peter had enough of this. He had to protect the kids.

Peter's favorite, a little girl named Darla, was so smart. She didn't deserve to be in this wretched place, none of the kids did.

Peter opened his eyes and stood. Thanks to his advanced eyesight, he could see perfectly fine in the dark.

His bed mate, a boy named Carmelo, snuggled into the blanket after Peter left, his warmth leaving with him.

Peter walked towards the window in the room all the boys shared. He was going to find a way out and people to take these kids in.

In Peter's mind, it was a simple plan. Get out, find people, take kids to said people, watch them all live happy lives.

Peter felt like the plan was missing something. Besides the question of how he was going to do it, Peter couldn't figure out what else there was to plan.

He popped the window open and, while sucking his stomach in and holding his breath, Peter squeezed out of the orphanage.

Next step, get down. It was only second floor, Peter could jump if he needed. Problem was, children ages 2-12 couldn't.

Peter saw stairs. They were wobbly, broken, and gross but as long as they held, they would work.

Peter took one hesitant step onto it after another. He got down without it breaking on him.

First step complete, next step in motion. Find people to take in these little kids.

Peter knew this one would take a while. He'd have to choose a child to give and he'd have to make sure they were in good hands.

Peter was pacing down the street. He was stressed out about this. He walked and walked, paging little attention to stuff around him.

He didn't notice when he started walking in front of SI. Peter couldn't care right now. He was too busy stressing.

Peter paced back and forth, biting his nails in anxiousness. He turned back around to walk again when he came face first into a body.

Peter looked up and, before even seeing who it was, apologized profusely. Peter went to walk away when the man grabbed his collar.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing out this late at night?"

Peter recognized the voice, "Tony Stark? The Mr. Stark?!"

He nodded, "yeah. Now, the Tony Stark asked you a question. Can you answer it?"

Peter let out a squeak. His face flushed red in embarrassment. He almost debated telling him before he realizes that there's no way Tony Stark would want to adopt a kid.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm going home now," Peter says, getting ready to walk away.

"Where do you live, kid?"

Peter's mind is racing and suddenly he's talking a mile a minute.

"Calm down," Tony Stark says. But Peter can't calm down because he's talking to the Tony Stark.

"I'm only out here because Pepper wanted to know what a kid was doing out here all alone. So calm down or I'm going back inside and leaving you here."

"There's this orphanage down the road called Happy Smiles Orphanage or HSO and they treat their kids horribly. The kids are getting smacked and beat and the kids there are great. The kids are smart and kind and I was out here trying to find people to adopt them."

"Oh, I was heading down there tomorrow. Me and Pepper were planning on getting a kid. You know any good ones?"

Peter's mind is in no way selfish but his first though was himself. He could easily say that he was the best one there and get taken out of that hellhole.

But after himself, he thought about Darla.

"Yeah, yeah," Peter starts. "There's this little girl named Darla. She's adorable. So nice, so smart, so pretty. You'd love her, she's just a little sweetheart."

"I'll ask about her. Go home, kid."

Tony didn't know why he told the boy he was adopting a child but he did. He felt as if the boy could be trusted.

Happy Smiles Orphanage abuses the kids there. He wonders for a moment if the boy went there.

He would have the check the next day. If he was there, then Darla would have to find another family to stay with.

Sorry, Darla. This kid just seems much more interesting than you.

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