Our new intern... Flash!

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In which a new division opens for high schoolers, nicknamed 'Coffee Runners' or CR. Flash gets hired and he thinks he's all that and a bag of chips.

Peter was used to doing different jobs. He was used to running to get coffee for Tony or telling someone something for Pepper.

At this point, his face was familiar. Sometimes, people would stop and ask him if he was a CR. Sometimes they'd just straight up ask him if he could get them coffee.

Peter didn't mind helping though. If he wasn't in a rush, he'd say sure. If he was in a rush he would just ignore them and run off.

Sometimes doing things like that would make the scientist mad at him, or just annoyed but Peter didn't let them bother him.

So, one faithful day, Tony asked Peter, "hey, kid, can you run down to the cafeteria and get me coffee. I ran out of some ingredients up here."

Peter knew that meant that Tony forgot to buy more sugar for himself. As much as he seems like a black coffee, no sugar, kind of guy, he isn't.

He likes black coffee with one spoon of sugar in it. Peter remembered that from all the times he's watched Tony groan and get a glass of coffee.

Peter nodded and chirped out, "sure, Tony!"

And then Peter was off, he left the lab and walked down to the cafeteria. He could've taken the elevator but Pepper told him to walk instead so he could make Tony wait a bit because he forgot, she told him. Make him suffer a little, she told Peter.

When Peter made it down there he saw at least two CR's standing in line to get whatever scientist they're partnered with coffee.

Peter joined the line and waited. This wasn't new, it was just annoying. But Peter loves to talk to people, so talking is what he was going to do.

"Hi," he said to the person in front of him. "I'm Peter. Are you a CR here?"

He didn't recognize the person from the back but when they turned around Peter sweared he felt his heart drop.

"Parker? What are you doing here? You a CR?" Flash asked him, poison on his tongue. Peter felt like sinking into the ground now.

The boy chuckled nervously, "hi, Flash. I'm not really a CR. I work on some higher floors on my own projects."

Flash scoffed, "I bet you're lying, Penis. I bet you're just trying to make yourself feel better by making everyone believe that your better than you actually are.

"In fact, I bet you snuck in here. I bet you don't even have a job here. Either that or you're just a normal CR. I'll have you know, Penis, that I'm starting my own project. It'll be better than anything you could ever imagine!"

Peter stood there, a little speechless. Flash was in front of him, talking like he was a villain from a Disney movie. Peter felt a little mad at him.

Peter decided against feeling offended of trying to defend himself. In the future, Flash would be proved wrong.

"Oh, cool. What project are you starting on?" Peter asked. Flash smirked.

"Well, we're working on a smaller AI for the household. Equipped with simple house commands that you can change and different voice and language options!" Flash boasted.

Peter felt happy for him. He had talked with Tony about this a long time ago, saying it could help stony rival Apple and Samsung in the places they shined.

It seems Tony finally put the plan in motion.

"That's really cool, Flash!" Peter said, genuinely happy for him. "What scientist do you work under?"

"Mr. Matt. He's so cool. I bet you work under someone lame and stupid, like you," Flash laughs.

"Flash, my CR! There's been a new advancement in the project and I have some bad news," a scientist comes running to the pair out of nowhere.

"Really? Oh, no, did something happen to the coding?" Flash asked. A small, bitter part of Peter wondered if he really knew what coding was.

"Hopefully it's nothing too bad," Peter cuts in. The scientist, just noticing Peter, looks over and scowls.

"You're that one CR that never does what people ask. You're really bad at your job, you know. What's your name?" the scientist asks.

Peter sticks out his hand and says, "I'm Peter Parker!"

The scientist doesn't shake his hand, "good. Time to get you fired, Peter."

Peter doesn't have time to respond when Tony Stark come up to him, leaving a trail of people in awe behind him.

Tony usually never comes to lower floors. Not unless he has a meeting on them and talking to Peter wasn't exactly a meeting.

"I found what I needed for coffee in the kitchen. Turns out Pepper hid it, wanting me to get some exercise. Anyways, kid, you should just come back up to the lab." Tony says before quickly turning around and walking away.

Peter nodded to Tony's back and quickly follows, stepping out of the coffee line.

Flash and the scientist share a glance and Flash says, "I don't think you'll be able to get him fired, Mr. Matt."

Mr. Matt scowls, "I know that, idiot."

Peter would never know but Tony actually saw Peter getting threatened to be fired. Though Tony knew that wouldn't happen, he still went to the kids rescue.

Besides, he's always wanted to say 'go fuck yourself' to that Flash kid and doing that was just a silent way of doing it.

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