I'm not popular 'cuz i don't play Nyanko Daisensou: Tomoko x male reader pt.2

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Heya!!! Its me again making more things, new projects and i'm thinking of make an Fem. Reader x male Character called Ototo's collection, anyway, Watamote belongs to Nico Tanigawa.

(Y/n)'s pov

I look for Tomoko in the exit of the school, she was cute and i like when she blush and loose in her toughts, its funny... I found her and i put my arm on her shoulder she was trembling she noticed and i couldn't help but laugh.

(Y/n): Shall we go?

I said locking my arm with hers, of course she blushed while looking at our arms lock...

Tomoko: Y-yes

She almost whispered what she said, and we started to walk... She's nice, i wonder what Is thinking now... I swear, it was as if I could see smoke in her head while she had her face reddened ...

Tomoko's pov

He's so hot, and strong, his long hair don't make him see as a woman but like a very handsome man!!! My dirty toughts can't be stopped right now, me... Being crushed in that strong arms... Everyone clapping at us, we're so popular!!! The girls are jealous of me because the most popular guy its dating me...

(Y/n): Hey! Um, sorry but... Shall we enter to my house?

I blushed seeing his face and felt guilt because of the dirty toughts...

(Y/n): Well, girls first

He opened the door to me... how gentleman he is, i entered and saw his house, how beautiful everything its organized he must be clean, but maybe his room its like mine, some manga in the floor, comics or something who knows....

(Y/n): Well, my room its upside, there are the ladders, do you want any drink?...

I was stunned because I didn't know what to answer... I trembled with nerves as I thought about the most prudent answer...

Tomoko: Y-yes i would like soda if its not a problem...

He gave me a headpat as he made a reverence that showed genuine respect...

(Y/n): Its a pleasure to me~ Please go to my room while i get your drink.

I nod and head to his room, when i entered i see some collection figures, many of them were of Nyanko Daisensou or anime on a table and many videogames on a shelf, he really is so organized to his own, i saw one of his used clothes and i couldn't resist and well... I took some of his smell...

(Y/n): Hey i got your drink, wait....

He looked at me smelling his shirt and i got red, very very red.... He blushed as well... The silent rule almost for twelve minutes and he break it saying.

(Y/n): Should i turn on the switch?

I nod avoiding eye contact and making plans to run after he teach me how to improve in this game...

(Y/n): Well, the first think you need to know its how Nyanko Daisensou happens, its story its about Cats who are wiling to conquer the world, when their won they took control over all the world but that didn't make things different, just they were more Cats than before and they had many tv novels with Cats playing with the Onii-chan role... After that, the Cats in the future save the world from aliens invasion but they took control over the world again... A year after the Cats victory they started their Universe control plan and they fought Catgod himself and after he is defeated the Cats rule the universe turning it into a universe of Cats, Made by Cats to Cats, and after that they and the aliens started to plan Time travel, and that's when Stories of Legend begins with the Cats traveling to the past and rescue the Legend Cats from the ancient doge realm, and after save that Cats they discovered a new ancient land where a curse exists and its how Uncanny Legends begins but in the moment it didn't has an end.

I was confused but i nod making him smile.

(Y/n): Well, game basic rules are spam to win but there are levels that need strategy so you need to fill two space rows of five Cats each one and use them to win, there are some combos that increase attack, defense, speed, skills, cat Cannon, money or base health, its a bit hard to understand but i trust you can learn this.

He is so kind, i like him even More but i guess i have to pay attention from now or i won't be popular...

He is so kind, i like him even More but i guess i have to pay attention from now or i won't be popular

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The days passed like this while he taught me how to play better. Over time I became more accustomed to his presence and was able to speak to him fluently. He not only taught me how to play, he also gave me some tips to have more confidence in me and thus be able to socialize with more people ...

I could never pay him so much that he has taught me... the best I could do was verbally thank him... he just smiled, stroked my head and told me I shouldn't worry about it. As we became friends, I invited him to my house several times ... it was a complete surprise for my mom and Tomoki that I took such an attractive boy home...

No one's point of view.

Tomoko may not have become the most popular girl in the room, as people began to focus their attention on other games ... however, she had achieved something better, an unconditional friend that would always be for her ...

That loneliness Tomoko had had vanished. They ate together during the break, if she forgot her book she would go to her friend's room to ask her, they would go home together, they would go out together on the weekends when Tomoko did not go out with Yuu, they ate sweets, etc. It was the purest friendship that could be found.

The only detail is that Tomoko would end up developing a strong platonic love that she would not know how to escape ... looking at that boy in the face made her happy, made her feel like the most popular girl of all ... and even so, she was unable to reveal their feelings, for fear of rejection and for fear of ruining their beautiful friendship ...

Little thing she didn't know is that on the boy's side, he too had developed strong feelings for her and he was ready to take the leap of faith and declare himself to his friend.

(Y/n)'s pov

I waited for Tomoko where we always met while encouraging myself for what I would do. I had a bouquet of roses, a letter and a chocolate ready to deliver... I waited a few minutes ... each second of waiting was an eternity...

Finally Tomoko arrived, she looked just as nervous as me... but there was no going back, it was all or nothing! as they say, who does not risk does not win!

(Y/n): Tomoko, we've been great friends for as long as I can remember ... I hope what you're going to say doesn't ruin that friendship ...

Tomoko: yes? ...

(Y/n): Well ... I don't know how to say this ... but ...

Tomoko: What's going on?

(Y/n): I am in love with you!

Tomoko looked at me in surprise as a tear ran down her beautiful face ... wiped away the tear on her face and gave her all the presents ...

Tomoko: I love you too ...

She hugged me and after spending some time together on the streets, I took her to my house where we played various video games ... Nowadays, neither of them is popular, but who cares about that when you have someone who will always be there. your side?

The end.

Meow medal received: Love of visual novel.

Gamatoto's Collection: Male Reader x Female CharacterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora