Six: No Peace

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We almost run  to  Mr. Pohijinski, who is waiting for us at the door.
"What on earth have you two been up to?"
The forming of the sentence makes the 3rd grader me giggle, and I accidentally let out a little laugh. Blake looks at me very amusedly and shakes his head.
"Sorry", I say quietly, "I wasn't feeling too good so I had to leave."
Teacher nods and turns to look at Blake.
"And it was kind of my fault so I went after him."
"I see that Blake, but your guilty conscience isn't going to fill your assignment for you, is it?"
Guilty conscience.
Well that wording just ruined my good mood. Of course he only talks to me because he kinda feels bad as everyone so openly nags to me about being gay.

"And George, if you fancy making new relationships during lessons, for God's sake at least come up with a better excuse."
God he words it like we've been making out.
"Get back to your seats or I'll kick you out of this class", Mr. Pohijinski stops my words and shoo's us off.
"Maybe that wasn't the intention but I feel like a relationship was formed during this lesson", Blake just says briefly as he walks past me and sits next to Ryan.
God I hate Ryan.
I hate all of his friends.
How is he so nice to me? I haven't done anything to deserve this wind of positivity.

I sigh as I sit down next to Oma and she immediately hands me a note

What happened? Where were you?!

I got pissed at Frederika for saying all LGBTQ+ people should be killed and just went in the hallway to sit on the floor and B suddenly just turned up

Her face changes a few times while she reads my note. Finally she looks at me in so much exitement I'm scared she will explode.

And? Details?

She puts the paper in my hand almost aggressively.

He's gay, stared at me very obviously then told me to take at is as an compliment THEN told me he was joking. And just now when Pohijinski let us off, he said something like 'I guess we accidentally formed a relationship then' and walked off

My hand moves so quickly I could win the hand-writing world championship. Oma looks at my shaky letters and then pokes Reid, who's sitting right behind us. Reid looks at her and she hands him the paper.
I try my hardest to mouth WHAT ARE YOU DOING to Oma but she just smiles and lip-syncs along to Young Veins.
Reid just smiles (too) knowingly and writes something under my explanation.
Then him and Oma back and forth the paper and I feel myself going insane.
"Please show me", I whisper to Oma and she puts her finger up asking me to wait.

Finally, when lesson is just about to end, they give me the paper.

Oma, what do we do next?

I don't know if we need to do anything, he's just coming to George out of nowhere I mean

Maybe George should also show his interest. Someone said they walked past G and B in the hallway and heard George telling B that B isn't his friend

I mean he's doing well now but maybe we should give him some guidelines after this lesson


Then, the bell rings and releases from silence and tells us it's time to go home.
"Where do you want to go?" I ask, already knowing they want to hang out.
"Your place?"
I shrug my shoulders. "Sure. I'm gonna invite Xia too."

We head to my place an sit in the places we always do: Xia sits on the floor against my closet, Oma Indian style on my bed, Reid on my office chair and me on the bed with Oma.
Reid spins around on the chair as always, he's got ADHD so staying still is something he cannot do for longer than two minutes.
"Okay", Xia finally says and changes her position a bit, "the worst mistakes George can do and the best tips. You have any ideas?"
"Don't say anything bad about his friends unless he starts it, they will slit your throat if they find out", Reid says, still spinning on the chair but a bit slower now.

Oma nods along.
"I already kinda did but it was in a context he probably doesn't want to tell his friends about" I laugh a bit.
"Try and talk about things that you and him have in common, and like overall try talking to him a lot."
"I mean he did proclaim you two friends."
Xia seems to agree. She also got the short version of what happened on the way here.
"I'd tell you to flirt but none of us have no fucking clue how to, so just try and show him your good side. Don't laugh at stupid things."
Well that's also something I've already done.

"Maybe ask if he's had any previous boy-"
"George! Are you here?"
My mum's voice stopped Reid's sentence.
"We all are", I yell back and she opens the door, her coat and shoes still on and a paper-bag in her hand.
"Oh hi gang." She doesn't bother greeting them individually anymore because they all come here like two times a week.
"What did you hear?"
"Oh, just something about dating."

"Hey, could you give us your best dating tip?" Xia asks.
"Someone in this room is desperately in need of some", Oma laughs and points at me.
"Oh God..."
"Just be yourself George, if he's talked to you then he probably thinks you're okay. Maybe keep the stalking and this intervention to yourself. Let me know if something happens", she just smiles and closes the door.
"She's smarter than us", Reid says.
"Well at least we can plan some cute outfits for George", Oma says and gets up jumping to my closet. Xia gets up as well and me and Reid just look at each other.
"They're kinda crazy", he laughs.
"And your only friends so watch your mouth", Xia snaps while holding something.

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