Chapter 40

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People gathered around me right away and started asking me questions about Jackson and me as he wandered off to get drinks. It all felt overwhelming, but I took it the best I could because he was worth the risk of people judging us.

And boy, did they judge.

“It’s a bit soon, isn’t it? To be dating again.”

“You should be by yourself for a while.”

“I think Finn and you can work things out.”

“Finn obviously still cares for you.”

So many opinions. So many nosy souls.

I just smiled through it all and did my best not to let it get to me. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go find…something,” I said, grinning ear to ear.

The second I got away from the crowd, I ran into Marybeth Summers.

Marybeth was a quiet soul and always kept to herself. She looked my way and nodded once. “Hey, Grace.”

“Hey, Marybeth.”

“I think you two are beautiful together.”

“Thanks.” I smiled, still feeling a knot in my stomach. I was waiting for her next comment to be like everyone else’s.

Yet instead, she just said, “You deserve to be happy.”

She gave me a hug, and it felt so sincere. I held on a bit longer than I probably should’ve.

Maybe not everyone in town was filled with a gossiping heart.

Perhaps some did truly wish me well.

“Gracelyn Mae,” Mama stated, walking my way. She seemed stunned to see me as she smoothed out her dress.

“Hi, Mama.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’ve never missed a gala. I didn’t think I’d start now.”

“Are you…” She shifted around in her high heels. “Are you here to just make a scene? To act out?”


“I saw you walk in with that boy. I just don’t want any drama. Did you bring him here to get back at me for our last conversation? For what I said?”

“Oh, Mama.” I smiled her way and moved in close. “Not everything has to do with you.”

I walked away and ran straight into Josie, who was grinning ear to ear as she looked my way. “Oh, my, my, my. Did I just witness you telling your mother off?” she asked me, sipping at her champagne.

“I think you did.”

“I see you brought a certain guy as your date tonight,” she remarked with a wolfish grin.

“I did.”

“Good for you, Grace.” She held her glass up in a celebratory fashion. “Good for you.”

As the band struck up their instruments, Josie perked up. “Oh! The band is starting! I better go find my husband before some Chester girl tries to claim him for first dance. I’ll check in later!”

The first dance of the Harris Gala was always a fun one to witness. The tradition stood that whoever was the first to ask for you for a dance, you had to agree. No ifs, ands, or buts.

That was how I was able to get Finn to dance with me all those years ago.

That was how I began to fall in love with him way back when.

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