The death

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---3 months later---

   Glory mumbled at the pain snaking up her back and cocked her head this way and that trying to identify the pain. She shook her head and headed off to the healers' hut. "Where are you going?" Deathbringer asked. "To the healers' hut." "What? Are you hurt?" "No, I'm not. I'm just going for an annual check-up." "Oh." They headed to the healers' hut. "Stay here. Okay?" "Alright." Glory went in. "What is it my queen?" "Um... my stomach hurts like crazy and now the pain started snaking up my back."

    "Umm.. this is hard to say... whew... do you or did you have strong emotions for... someone?" "Y..e..s. but I can't, no won't tell you." "Ye..ah... anyway... that's not the subject. I have no easy way to say this but... you have an egg." "What?!" "Yes... um... you have an egg." "Are you sure?" "Yes. I have seen many female dragons having an egg and yes you have the true symptoms." "Wo...w." "I know this may be a private thing but... who is the father?" "I think I said I won't tell you." 

    "Yes ma'am. So... I guess this is it." "Yes... thanks." Glory couldn't believe she has an egg. "You okay?" Deathbringer asked. "Yeah." Glory flew off to the fruit tree. She had bad memories of it but it didn't matter. She picked up a fruit and started munching on it. "Hiss. Looks like little Glory has a visitor." Someone said. Glory turned around and she saw a Skywing. "Who are you?" "It doesn't matter. What's important is that I am here to kill you."

    "What?" "Oh are you deaf now? I said I'm here to... wait. No need for words." The skywing let out a low hiss. The hiss that Scarlet made when she breathed fire. Before Glory could dodge, she saw black scales covering her. "Deathbringer?" "Go. Glory. Go." Deathbringer attacked the skywing, biting it's the snout. Glory shook her head as she flew up, aiming at the skywing with her teeth and shot venom. By the time she got down, the skywing had disappeared and Deathbringer was left, scratched and burnt scars.

    "Oh, dear..." Glory put Deathbringer on her back and started to fly to the healers' hut. "You okay?" Deathbringer coughed up. "Yeah. Not a scratch." "Wait... get down... get-" Deathbringer coughed as Glory parked down. "What?" Glory asked. "Any secrets?" "No." "Hmph... I know something. You *cough* have an egg. Mine... don't you?" "How did you?" "You don't thin- *cough* -k I could've noticed?" "Alright? Finished? Let's go." Glory put Deathbringer on her back again and arrived after a few seconds. 

   Glory waited outside and after a few hours, a healer came out. "Is he-?" The healer shook his head. Glory started crying but stopped. "He still can hear you and stuff but yeah.." the healer said. Glory sniffed as she headed inside the hut. Deathbringer laid there, motionless, breathing ever so lightly. "Death...bringer? Can you hear me?"---7 months later--- "Mommy?" A dragonet dark and glittery came out. "What is it Firefly?" "I can't sleep." "Alright." Glory slid off her desk and went into the dragonet's room.

    "Can you sing me a lullaby?" "Sure..."

"She works the night, by the water. She's gonna stress, so far away from her father's daughter. She just wants a life for her baby all on her own, no one will come. She's got to save him.  She tells him "ooh love" No one's ever gonna hurt you, love I'm gonna give you all of my love Nobody matters like you She tells him "your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life You're gonna grow and have a good life I'm gonna do what I've got to do" So, Rockabye baby, Rockabye I'm gonna rock you Rockabye baby, don't you cry."

    "Somebody's got you, Rockabye baby, Rockabye I'm gonna rock you Rockabye baby, don't you cry Rockabye, no Rockabye, yeah, yeah" Suddenly, a calm dark but soft voice interrupted, "Single mom what are you doing out there? Facing the hard life without no fear Just see and know that you really care 'Cause any obstacle to come you well prepared And no mamma you never shed a tear 'Cause you have set things year after year And you give the youth love beyond compare You find the school fee and the bus fare. 

    "Hmmmm more when paps disappear In a wrong bar can't find him nowhere Steadily you workflow, heavily you know so you Nah stop No time fi a jeer Now she got a six-year-old Trying to keep him warm Trying to keep all the cold When he looks her in the eyes He doesn't know he's safe when she says "Ooh love" No one's ever gonna hurt you, love I'm gonna give you all of my love Nobody matters like you" "Deathbringer?" "Hi Glory. Long time no seen."

    "Oh my... Bringer?" "Hey... Sorry. I don't have that much time so I gotta go." "Wait Deathbringer! Don't go." "Sorry. I have to..." "Don't... don't..." Glory opened her eyes. She wiped the tears from her face. She glanced at her sleeping dragonet one time and started to go out when she saw mud prints on the floor. She started following it and saw a dark dragon. "Death...bringer?" "Oh.. I'm sorry to wake you up your majesty. I just went in to talk about some problems with the nursery so I just went in and I saw you... crying. I'm sorry."

    "I'm fine. It's fine." Glory wobbled back into her hut. When she disappeared, the dragon said, "Thanks. Glory. I'll visit you a lot." The dragon took off the necklace, revealing the true Deathbringer. "Thanks Turtle. For making this."

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