Pt2 Chapter Three

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Six months later, and it was two weeks before Christmas. We had been living in London for six months now, and I had saved every drop of money I could spare to buy my friends Christmas presents.

"Welcome to Starbucks! How may I help you?" I said in the too-peppy-fake-smile voice I was required to use with all the customers. The short, stubbly women ordered, and it was on to the next one for another twenty-two minutes until my shirt was over.

"Alright, Whisper, I'm gone. Gotta get my Christmas shopping done!" I yelled to my gorgeous co-worker. She wiggled her fingers from behind the blender as I threw off my green Starbucks hat and name tag and got a taxi to the nearest mall.

 I clutched my heavy swim sweatshirt closer to me as I hopped out of the cab and into the snow. The black rain boats I wore protected my already cold toes from every snow drift they came in contact with, and soon I was in the warm food court and on my way to Barnes and Nobles.

After I picked up a book for each of my friends, I walked around to Bath and Body Works and Victoria's Secret to see if I could find anything else to add to their presents. I found Tess and Jenna's favorite body spray in Bath and Body Works, and a pair of adorable fuzzy socks with frogs on them for Lucy, and owls for Kira in Victoria's Secret.

After I checked out at VS, I made sure the presents were wrapped tightly in the bags, and headed off to Topshop, glancing at my watch and realizing Tess' shift was almost over. I tucked her presents deeper into the bags, walking quickly to see if she wanted to ride home together.

I slowly shuffled my feet down the bustling mall, watching the crazed shoppers mill around me and gazed through the windows of the shops I passed, labeling the outfits on the mannequins as me, Kira, Tess, Jenna, Lucy, or too hideous to even think about putting on. I was so zoned out in my window, and people, shopping, I let out a terrible shriek, causing many confused glares as someone grabbed my wrist from behind.


"So, remind me again why you are buying us thongs for Christmas." I glanced around at the women staring at Harry and I as he held up another piece of lacy material.

"Oh, come on, Niall. Do not tell me you wouldn't wear this?" Harry laughed as he stretched out a green thong with four leaf clovers stamped on the front. I shook my head with a laugh, as he accidentally shot it into the rack of perfumes.

"Such an idiot." I cackled as Harry went to retrieve the knickers. We walked around the store for a few more minutes until we headed towards the front wear the check-out line was located. Harry had decided on only buying a thong for Louis for a good "Larry Stylinson" joke.

"Thank you, have a nice day!" I heard another customer say a few lines over in an adorable American accent. My head snapped up towards the girl's direction, the familiarness of the accent almost breaking my heart. There was no doubt how southern it was.

I searched the large crowd until I saw her. I knew there was no way it could really be her, that she was here in London, but something pulled me towards her as she excited the shop.

"Niall? The hell are you going, mate?" I heard Harry's voice behind me, but I kept going towards the door. Before I realized it, I was running, pushing through the crowd of angered shoppers.

I caught up with her in a small stretch of less crowded mall. She was walking her were head turned towards the shops' windows, walking slowly, as if she was in her own little world.

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