Pt2 Chapter Ten

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"And that's the Pythagorean Theorem." My short Algebra professor announced to the half of the Algebra class that was actually listening. I, on the other hand, was currently staring daggers in the direction of the blonde sitting next to me, no doubt furiously texting my ex-boyfriend.

I decided to take out my own phone out and brought up the new message option. I scrolled through my contacts lazily until I reached Lucy's name.

Me: I've got a question.

Mommy:): Spill.

Me: Is it worse to know the new girl, or have no idea who she is?

Mommy:): I'm going to have to go with knowing her. What's she doing?

Me: Texting him. Does it not ever bother you a little?

Mommy:): Of course it does, but I can't do anything about it.

Me: But I told myself I was over him, I am over him. Why does it hurt so much?

Mommy:): Maybe you aren't completely over him.

Me: I am. Last question.

Mommy:): Shoot.

Me: What, in God's name, is the Pythagorean Theorem?


Hey girl it's now or never, now or never, don't over think just let it go.

I hummed along to Live While We're Young as I made my way to my next class. I guess One Direction was my secret celebrity obsession. Who cared if I was in college and completely loved them? So what if I knew a few more facts about them than the average person?

And if we get together, yeah get together, don't let the pictures leave your phone.

I pushed a strand from my black, long bob haircut away from my eyes as I tried to find my Government class. I kept humming, drumming my fingers against my thigh until I passed by the Algebra classroom and almost had to do a double take.

I guessed I was probably the only one to recognise her, but I couldn't help feeling a little excited as Harry Styles', the Harry Styles', girlfriend walked right past me and into my Government class. Well, ex-girlfriend.

I quickly followed her into the room and found the seat next to her empty. I sat my bags down gently and placed myself on the edge of the seat, and then I realized how creepily stalkerish I was being,

"Hi, um, I'm Charlie." I said awkwardly.

"Oh, hi. Kira." She politely looked up from the small military style purse she was digging through.

"you're American? That's so cool." Of course, I already new that. Plenty of interviewers had commented on it.

"Yeah, the good ol' U.S. of A." She snorted.

"So, what are you doing in London?" I couldn't help but ask. There hand't been an interview on that subject.

"Well, according to everyone else, I'm chasing after my ex-boyfriend. It just could not possibly be because I love the environment and I like my education." She sighed.

"You mean Harry?" The words tumbled from my mouth and I immediately clamped my hand over my lips. I wanted so badly to take the words back, but all I could do was fear what Kira would say next.

Loving and Losing- A One Direction Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now