Pt2 Chapter Six

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"Welcome to Nando's. My name is Jenna, and I'll be your server for this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I grabbed the pen that was tucked into my hair and scribbled down the order of drinks for one of my many filled tables, using the line I started every table off with. I think Lizzy even said she'd caught me taking my pillow's order in my sleep.

"Jenna, order's ready." I groaned as the bell to the kitchen rang and a platter of food was placed in my hands.

No matter how many other servers would be working, it seemed was the one stuck with all the actual working. The others just stood around, whispering in their posh British accents about the weird, abnormal American working with them and popping their gum as loud as possible.

"Ew-mah-gawd! Jenna, I'm taking your booth!" Becky, the record holder for loudest gum popping, squeaked and grabbed a pad and pen. I watched, amazed as she stole a few menus and silverware off a nearby table and went over to my booth.

I gazed at it's occupants, and my mouth literally fell open. I quick;y ducked behind the counter on all fours, crawling to the end to peer around the side of it to see if there was a small possibility I was spotted. No, thank goodness. Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Liam were too busy trying to order while Becky flipped her hair in what I presumed was an attempt at flirtation. Oh, Lord, this was hilarious.

"Jenna, help me with these drinks!" Becky screeched and my face turned bright red as I slowly stretched my legs to a standing position.

I grabbed the two waters off the counter, which I knew from memory would go to Liam and Harry and trudged towards the end booth.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Harry's dimples flashed towards me, and then all eyes were on me as I approached.

"Hey, Harry." I smiled forcibly as I set down the drinks and tried to turn away.

"Wait, you know her?" Becky's voice was shrill with disbelief. I began to voice an explanation when Louis beat me to it.

"Yeah, she and I used to sleep together." He smirked and cockily nodded his head at me.

"Louis!!" I practically screamed. "We did not. That's so unprofessional." I whispered as tears sprung to my eyes and I hid my face downward to keep Louis and the rest from seeing. How could he be so joking about something I thought meant so much? In fact, he was completely making things up. We'd never slept together. Sure, we'd slept in the same bed at different points, but we had been fully clothes the whole time. What hurt even more, was I truly wanted to give myself to Louis; I thought he might have actually been the one for me.

"Aw, Jenna, lighten up. I was just joking; they know that." Louis smiled. I could tell he wanted to say more, but I quickly turned on my heels and strode into the kitchen, letting the flood of tears burst from my eyes.

After a good ten minute cry that I really wished I'd had with one of my friends, I realized my shirt was officially over. I clocked out and grabbed my bag from under the counter, pushing around chairs and tables to reach the door.

"Jenna!" I groaned as I heard the bell from the door ring along to Louis' voice. This was exactly what I'd been trying to avoid: him knowing he had made me cry.

"Please, just leve me alone, Louis." I said, not even turning around or slowing my pace.

"No, I'm not. Not anymore." Louis grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him.

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