Pt2 Chapter Eleven

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Sometimes, the weirdest things happen me. For instance, meeting the love of my life almost two years ago. Then, breaking it off, and reconnecting as magically as the first time when i moved to the city he was living in. Not to mention the weird run-in we'd had at the mall, which had started the whole"reconnecting" process.

It was one of those weird times when i met Jaylyn Scotts at work, one day in the first week of Feburary. It had been a really quiet day, with a minimal amount of costumers.

Jaylyn was an extremely loud person, with an amazingly outgoing personality. The minute she walked into Starbuck's, she'd filled out the resume and we'd become really good friends. I'd guessed it was like Kira with Charlie, who'd practically become one of the girl's; we were all bound to have a London friend. Jaylyn was more or less London-ish.

"So, tell me a bit more about this infamous boyfriend of your." Jaylyn played with one of the two studs in her left lobe, which mirrored her right, and gave me a cheeky smile.

"Oh, well, his name is Niall." I smiled happily.

"Mhmm, I got that much, honey bunches. I wanna know the details, like how'd you two meet? Yeah, let's start with that one." I absolutely adored Jaylyn's completely sarcastic, funny attitude.

"Well, I met him at one of his concerts, and I ended up going on tour with him and his band, along with my friends." I smiled sheepishly as I walked down the crowded sidewalk with Jaylyn. We'd just gotten off work, and since the weird experience got weirder, and she lived in the same complex as us, we walked home together giddily.

"Aw, how adorable! So, you've been together for a long tim?" Jaylyn grabbed at her thick, sandy blonde hair and ran her tongue over the braces she wore.

"Well, we broke up for a while, and only just got back together a couple months ago." I glanced down at my feet as Jaylyn's icy blue eyes widened.

"Now there's something interesting! Tell me more!" I smiled, steadily keeping eye contact with my feet. I preceded to tell Jaylyn the weird experience of my year and a half without Niall, and then the few months leading up to, and after, I ran into him on that extremely weird say at the mall. I told her about our weird adventure in Ireland after Christmas, and even a few details about the weird, and sometimes sad, relationships of my friends. And then I told her the weirdest thing: Niall was my first everything. He was my first kiss, my first boyfriend, the first guy to tell me he loved me, and some day, I hoped he'd be my real first. One day. Most likely, most definitely, when and if we're married.

"You're so innocent." Jaylyn smiled and pulled her puffy, red jacket closer to hr body.

"Eh, I'm not that innocent," I laughed. "I'm actually quite the gangster."

"Oh, yeah? Prove it, Miss Gangster." Jaylyn's voice was completely joking, but I took her challenge seriously.

"Oh, I will." I smirked as her eyes narrowed in curiosity. I slung my short, blonde hair to the side and striped off my jacket, pulling my shirt down from the back until the green, four leaf clover tattoo on the upper part of my back between my shoulders blades was exposed.

"Hmmm, I misjudged you, Lizzy. You are so ghetto." Jaylyn laughed as we reached our apartment complex, or flats, as the British say.

"So, I'm going to see you tomorrow for work, right?" I asked as Jaylyn and I turned to part ways for the night.

"Of course, girl! See you then!" I turned away with a wiggle of my fingers and hopped into the elevator, of lift as the British say, and let the button up for the seventh floor.

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