Chapter 2

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As Harry begins explaining the function of a rubber duck, we hear screeching from outside. My head turns as I see Errol, the family mail owl, crash into the window. My mouth forms to a small frown as I turn back to my plate and Mrs Weasley asks Percy to fetch it.

"Oh, It's our Hogwarts letters. Ah, and they've sent us Harry and Y/n's too." He passes the letters around and I take mine, opening it. I inspect the letter and Fred begins speaking, "These won't come cheap, mum. The books alone are very expensive." I see the Weasley boys nod along and I glance at Harry. "Oh, We'll manage." She waves her hand.

"There's only one place we're going to get all of this: Diagon Alley." She smiles at us. Most of us have finished, so she shoo's us up to our bedrooms to get dressed and ready.


I've dressed in a wool-ish maroon sweatshirt, black leggings and a pair of running shoes that Ginny lent me. I slid into my robes and began walking down the stairs, Ginny walking behind me. I see Ron and Harry talking at the bottom of the steps and Ron's back is turned to me.

I smirk and quietly step over to them, Harry smiling as he sees me approach. Ron doesn't realize until I yell and squeeze his shoulders. He jumps and turns around, looking adorably angry with me. I smile and shrug sweetly, to which his face softens and I slide my arms to wrap around his torso. "Sorry, Ron..." I say, glancing up at him when he hugs back.

"Bloody Hell, Y/n! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I smile and we quickly let go of each other as we realize that his family's walking over to the fireplace. I look at them, my face burning a bit.

"Right. Here we are, Y/n. You go first, dear." She points to the fireplace. "Uh, mum, Y/n doesn't know how to travel by Floo Powder," Ron says, glancing at me. "Floo Powder?" Harry asks. "What is that?" I ask after.

"Well, then, you go first, Ron, to show her how it's done." Ron smiles and nods once, stepping into the fireplace and grabs a fistful of the Floo Powder. Mrs Weasley gestures for us to step back and we do so.

"Diagon Alley!" Ron shouts very clearly. I see the green fire and smoke consume him and I gasp. "You see? It's quite easy dear, don't be afraid."  I walk up to the fireplace and step inside. I give a worried look to the rest of the family, who just keep on smiling at me.

I take another fistful of their Floo Powder and hold my hand up. "Okay, now, don't forget to speak very clearly!" I nod and take a deep breath. "Diagon Alley," I say as clearly as possible.

The same green smokey fire that whisked away Ron, had taken me away, and I appeared in a fireplace, Ron standing in front of it. I smiled, "I did it!" He nods with a sweet smile on his face and holds out his hand. "Let me help you outta there." I took his hand and  I stepped over the rim of the fireplace and trip, falling onto Ron's chest.

He looks down at me with a sweet 'Seriously?' look on his face. I feel my face begin to heat up as I finish hopping out of the fireplace.


Everyone's made it to Flourish & Blotts except Harry. I start to get worried as a familiar frizzy-haired girl is waiting in the line in front of us with her parents. I tap her shoulder and she turns around, gasping when she sees us. She gives me a hug and smiles.

"I thought Harry was with you, Y/n. You sent out a letter with Venus, didn't you?" Hermione asks. I nod and look around again. "I have no idea where he's at though..." Hermione puts her hand on my upper arm. "I'll go and take a glance outside to see if he's there." I smile, looking up at Ron, who's overlooking the crowd as he rolls his eyes.

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 2; Year 2)Where stories live. Discover now