~2~ Say

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~Chapter 2~ Say


Shisui waved at a certain white-haired girl but frowned upon seeing her limp and bandages. Itachi also noticing this, his eyebrows furrowed, and the corners of his mouth formed a grim line. The two Uchihas shared a look knowing what they were both thinking. What in Kami happened to her?!

When Reina got to her two best friends, she smiled but flinched due to her wounds. Shisui was the first to approach her on said matter. "Hey Reina, why are you wrapped in bandages?" Reina rubbed the back of her head chuckling nervously, in an attempt to fool the two boys. "Oh this? I got them from training so hard." She lied.

Shisui and Itachi looked at her and raised an eyebrow, not believing the lie. "Seriously. What happened?"

Reina's expression fell and she wore a expression of... fear? That was unusual.

She glanced around quickly, her eyes darting left and right. Her eyes finally landed on her friend's alarmed expressions. "I-I'll tell you guys. Just meet me at the usual after class." She then leaned away and walked towards the direction of the academy, leaving two very confused and worried cousins.

"She seems off today. Something horrible must have happened yesterday when she left suddenly." Itachi noted.

Shisui nodded in agreement. "Yeah... This girl is not the sarcastic, happy-go-lucky girl I know."


The two Uchiha cousins raced through the trees eager to get to their meeting spot where Reina promised to tell them about what happened. Itachi caught a glimpse of a white head of hair. "There she is!" The two then broke out of the trees panting heavily from chakra and stamina loss.

"Reina!!" The two managed to gasp out.

Said girl turned around in surprise at their voices. "Itachi, Shisui, you came." She breathed out. She then chuckled bitterly as she watched the clouds in the sky. She turned back to her best friends and she motioned to the spots beside her. "Sit."

The Uchihas complied without hesitation as they made themselves comfortable and patiently looked at Reina, waiting for her to speak. The yellow-eyed girl drew a deep breath and spoke.
"We used to be a very happy the four of us." She paused and looked at the sky, a distant look on her face. "I loved my Oka-san, Otou-san, and my Onii-chan very much. My Onii-chan, Kiniki was the best brother I could ever ask for. He cared for me and trained me. I learned most of my fire jutsus from him. My Otou-san also helped too. He was the one who taught me my lightning jutsus. He was also funny and caring like my Oka-san."

Flashback Start

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan! Can you please teach me a fire jutsu?" pleaded a four-year-old Reina.

Kiniki looked at her in surprise, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't you a bit too young for that, imouto?"

Reina pouted. "Itachi and Shisui already learned theirs. So why can't I learn my own too? Besides, I already mastered my shurrikenjutsu and I'm soooo borreeedd!" A lightbulb went off in her head and she slyly smirked at the now slightly wary Kiniki. "I'll give you some Ramen~!"

Kiniki perked up at the mention of Ramen, but deflated when he realized that his own sister was bribing him. "You sly little- Oh fine. I'll teach you."

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