~3~ The

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~Chapter 3~ The

                                           Reina Age 13,        Shisui Age 14,        Itachi Age 13

A certain duckbutt sighed as he looked out of the windows of the Academy. I wonder what ni-san is doing right now. Probably kicking ass on his mission. He banged his head against his desk and groaned. When will this torture ever end?! As if on cue, (wink wonk) the said bell rang, and he internally did a happy dance. But of course, being the Uchiha he is, Sasuke casually walked to the door with his hands shoved in his pockets.


Said raven-haired boy looked towards the voice and he brightened up instantly. There glory stood Reina Gakigure, still in her ANBU gear. In all his excitement, Sasuke forgot the people around him and ran to the snow-haired girl. "Reina! You're back! I thought your mission was about a week!" exclaimed the duckbutt.

Reina rubbed the back of her head. "Turns out, that it wasn't that long. I misjudged it."

"Same with mine."

The two turned around to find the one and only, Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke's face brightened even more if that was possible. "Ni-san!!" Reina gave a small smile. "Hey Itachi." Itachi smiled back softly. "Hey otouto, Reina."

"Hey! Don't forget me too!"

All three of them looked up at the voice, only to see Shisui crouching on a small building and waving at them. "Yo!"
Itachi gave a nod of acknowledgement in Shisui's direction. Reina smirked back and mock saluted. "Sup Shi'!"

Shisui then proceeded with his dramatic entrance and jumped down to where the three were, landing neatly on his feet. He then put his arms behind his head in a carefree manner and closed his eyes. "Man. It's been so long since all three of us has been together these days." Reina nodded. "I agree. We've all been so busy with ANBU these days, that we have barely no time to meet up with each other, excluding missions."

Sasuke pouted and repeated Shisui's words. "Hey! Don't forget me too!"

Reina merely grinned and ruffled the younger Uchiha's hair affectionately. "I meant the four of us."

Itachi spoke up. "We could use this time to catch up on our training. It would be beneficial to see how much each of us has improved."

Shisui eyes widened. "Woah. Who are you and what have you done to the real Itachi?!" Reina caught on and put her hand on her chin looking like she was in deep thought. "But isn't he Itachi?" Shisui gasped. "Really?" They simultaneously clutched their heads. "Mind-blowing." The two then proceeded to make explosion noises, not noticing that Itachi and Sasuke were already heading towards the training grounds.

Itachi sighed and rubbed his temples. "I swear. Those two have a mentality of a three-year old." Sasuke only nodded along, not really getting what was going on.


"Hey Shisui?"


"Where's Itachi and Sasuke?"

"...I think they ditched us."




Shisui and Reina arrived at the training grounds to find Sasuke getting poked in the forehead by Itachi. The two Uchiha's turned only to find Shisui and Reina smirking at them.

Reina's smirk grew wider if that was even possible. "Now that we're all here, how about that spar?"
Itachi and Shisui matched her smirk. "You're on."

Reina's golden eyes darted between Shisui and Itachi. "I want you two to go first." Shisui looked at the said weasel. "Sure. How 'bout it, 'Tachi?"

Itachi nodded. "Challenge accepted."

As the two Uchiha's got into their fighting stance, Reina gently grabbed Sasuke and Shunshined onto a tree branch where they could both get a good view of the battle.

Reina counted in her head.





The Uchihas then jumped back and opened their eyes to reveal the- "Sharingan!" Sasuke awed with excitement dancing in his onyx eyes. Reina's eyes widened a fraction. Wow. To use the Sharingan so quickly in battle? They must be pumped up.

Itachi then proceeded to make the first move. "Katon: Fireball Jutsu!" A big fireball headed towards Shisui, who stood still until the last moment and then disappeared with no trace.

"What?! Where's Shisui? He disappeared just like that! There's no way he can dodge ni-san's fireball!!" Sasuke asked/exclaimed, "He Shunshined." Reina answered simply without taking her eyes off the training grounds. "Ohhh. That teleporting technique that Shisui's known for?" Reina chuckled and ruffled Sasuke's hair. "You could say that."

By now, Itachi and Shisui both had drawn their katanas. They both speeded towards each other and clanged their weapons. But unknown to Itachi, The Shisui he was trying to win against in the battle of strength, was a shadow clone. The real Shisui was slowly creeping on Itachi, who was too focused on his sword and the 'Shisui' in front of him. "Itachi! Behind you!!" Sasuke yelled, but it was too late. The moment Itachi turned, there was a katana at his neck by your one and only, Shisui who was smirking widely. "Looks like I win!"

Reina tore her eyes away from her two friends to look at Sasuke who was sulking slightly at his brother's loss, but filled with amazement and awe at the battle that took place.

Reina smiled gently as Sasuke's mixed expression and nudged him gently. "Lets go to them. Ne?" She then Shunshined them both to the two said cousins who were panting slightly and discussing the battle.

"Oi! Itachi! Shisui! Great battle you two!" Reina praised.

"Great?! THAT WAS AWSOME!! NI-SAN WENT LIKE BAM! AND THEN SHISUI WAS LIKE BAM! AND-Mmmph!" Itachi chuckled in amusement and slowly uncovered his hand from his younger brother's mouth. He then turned to Shisui and gestured between him and Reina. "Well, I guess it's between you two now." Reina looked at Shisui with a dangerous glint in her eye and cracked her knuckles and neck. "I've beat you before, I'll beat you again." It was true though. Reina might be the youngest out of the three friends, but she is way stronger than she looks. Shisui paled slightly at this before waving his hands in front of his face frantically. "Hold on! I just had that battle with Itachi! Why don't I just take a little break and then we can have our battle!" Reina huffed and crossed her arms. "You should be lucky I'm not beating you up yet." She smirked. "But I will soon. Just you wait..."


The wind blew Reina's white hair as she stood casually, flipping her twin katanas. When she heard a shift in the air, she didn't look up and kept playing with her blades. "Done with your break Shi'?"

An instant reply came back. "Sure am. And sure ready to beat you."

This time the golden-eyed teen looked up at her opponent and smirked. "You sure are cocky for someone who's going to get their ass kicked."

Shisui matched her gaze. "Let's see about that. Ne?"

The two shinobi then got into their fighting stances. Reina took out a couple of kunai and threw them behind her. The kunai then disappeared into thin air, leaving no trace. Reina held her twin katanas and went towards Shisui, who had his own katana out and ready. The two then engaged in a kenjutsu battle, Reina on offense and Shisui on defense. This then switched to Reina on defense and Shisui on offense. Suddenly Reina jumped back and grabbed something out of the air. She then lifted it up to her hair and made handsigns with only one hand. Shisui gasped in shock. Reina's hair had changed color from snowy white to midnight black and her eyes had changed from gold to onyx.

From the sidelines, Sasuke and Itachi watched with wide eyes. Surprisingly, Sasuke was the first to break out of his trance. "S-She looks like an-"

"Uchiha" Itachi breathed out, not taking his eyes off Reina. This doesn't look like genjutsu or ninjutsu. Could it be a kekkei genkai?
Meanwhile, Shisui tensed and activated his Sharingan, slightly wary about Reina's next move would be and her new "form". Reina noticed this and decided to let out her biggest secret by activating he Sharingan. Everyone's eyes widened even more if that was even possible. Shisui managed to stutter out, "But you can only have the Sharingan if... no you're a Gakigure... are you really an-"

"Uchiha?" Reina finished. She looked at her friends and Sasuke. "That I am. That I am."

Reina took a deep breath. "That's right." She grabbed the second kunai she threw earlier like before and with one hand, made the same hand signs. She then turned around to reveal the Gakigure and the Uchiha clan symbols on the back of her cloak.

                                                                           "I am an Uchiha."

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