~Filler~ New Uchiha

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~Filler~ New Uchiha

"AWWWWWWW!!~" A certain white-haired girl squealed with stars in her eyes as she squealed at the tiny bundle in Itachi's arms. "He's so KAWAII! What's his name?"

"Sasuke." The said weasel replied dryly as his eye twitched due to the fact that his very own brother was paying more attention to his friend than him.

Reina extended a finger to little Sasuke and he grabbed it, gurgling happily. Reina squealed at the cuteness and her gold eyes sparkled. She looked up at Itachi. "Can I hold him?"

Itachi sighed but reluctantly handed Sasuke to Reina. The now forgotten raven-haired boy sulked and went to a corner picking mushrooms. He was regretting inviting his friend to see his newly born brother. Oh, how he wished to turn back time.

Flashback Start

Shisui put his arms behind his head as he side-glanced at his fellow Uchiha. "So, how's your brother coming along?"

The said Uchiha smiled lightly, happiness dancing in his onyx eyes. "He's doing well. It seems like it's just yesterday when he was born."

"Hey guys!"

The two turned to find their white-haired friend running at them while waving furiously at them while clutching a brown bag which was filled with dangos. "Shisui! Itachi!"

Shisui gave a mock salute and grin, while Itachi greeted her with a smile and nod.

Reina gave a stick of dango to Shisui and Itachi. She then pulled out a stick out for herself and happily munched on it, giving a satisfied sigh as she gulped it down. She then turned towards her two companions as they also finished theirs. "So anyways, what were you guys talking about?"

Shisui brightened instantly as he glanced at Itachi who was still finishing his dango, trying to savor it. "Well, me and weasel-boy here were talking about the new-born Uchiha in the household." Shisui smirked and nudged Itachi in a teasing matter. "And I heard he was going to invite you. Right Itachi?"

Itachi choked on his dango and sent a glare to Shisui who whistled innocently. He then turned back to Reina, but sweatdropped at her sparkling eyes. Said girl pouted cutely while doing the puppy eyes jutsu. "Please~?" Itachi only huffed and turned his head away, trying to hide his pink cheeks. He sighed. I am going to regret this later. Damm you Shisui. "Hn."

Reina squealed in delight and dragged poor Itachi away who was mouthing 'help me' to Shisui. Said Uchiha only waved back teasingly and mouthed 'have fun!' back.

Flashback End

Itachi continued to sulk, noticing a blond haired boy with violet eyes also picking mushrooms. "You here too?"

"Yeah... It's almost like they want us to suffer"


The two continued to sulk, mushrooms now growing on their bodies.


Shisui never expected this. Not a single bit. He just thought his two best friends would be playing with Sasuke.

He never expected a mushroomfied Itachi sulking in a storage closet with some other, random blonde-haired guy picking mushrooms off a log while mumbling depressing things.


"I must be seeing things after that long mission." He rubbed his temples and walked away dazed at what he just saw.

Unknown to him, he failed to notice the many clicks that came from a camera in the hands of a certain Uchiha female...

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