37: Stop The Whole World, Pt. 1

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

I opened the third door on the left, second floor, the same one we actually came through earlier, and then stepped back. Allie was unconscious on the floor of the closet; the duct tape from the picture was gone. She was still in the exact same position though. It was unsettling to see my friend like this and even more so knowing another friend had done this.

"Where's Chris?" Cecil asked as the three of us looked in at her, me in the middle.

"Around," I whispered. "He's watching everything we do, every action taken. It's important to him." I barely spared Cecil a glance before looking back at my unconscious friend. "Andrzej, can you take her back to her room? When you get back, we'll find him."

I thought maybe he might hear the wobbling in my voice because of the untruth I was telling but he didn't, neither of them did. The reason I wasn't spilling my guts about what I saw was my very feeble attempt at trying to keep the body count down.

So lying to them, or omitting the truth, was hard for me. Because of the disaster tonight would end up being, nothing good would come from the truth. They'd just have to forgive me for it later...if there was a later.

Andrzej picked Allie up from the floor like I asked and we closed the door, only to open it again to a blind portal, the kind you couldn't see the destination. He disappeared through it and we left the door open, waiting for him to come back. However, what I was waiting for and what Cecil was waiting for were two very separate things. I needed to say something to him. What was coming was making me antsy and nervous. Even though I tried to hide it, the true vision had changed something and he knew it.

No wonder he was so somber over the last three years. If seeing the past was this traumatizing...it just made sense that he never said anything to anyone.


"Don't. Don't ask me something you know I won't answer." I turned to him, tears already present in my eyes, and I hugged him. I couldn't help but squeeze my eyes closed as the song I knew would start playing over the speakers did. Hating this song was inevitable, just like the Spice Girls.

His return hug was tighter than I imagined it would be. "Something's happening. I can feel it."

"I should tell you that you're wrong but I never could lie to you. I should also suggest that you don't come after me but I already know you will. So instead I'll just say that I love you and please, always remember that. No matter what happens tonight."

"Tally, what are you talking about?"

I pulled back and framed his face with my hands, really hoping this night had turned out differently. One normal weekend was apparently too much to ask of the cosmos. The fake smile that formed on my face was one of the many I'd practiced while looking in the mirror. All my features were schooled, giving nothing away, but I couldn't help as it turned sad when I remembered he saw through every front I'd ever put up. It was pointless to pretend otherwise.

"You'll find out," I whispered. "The only advice I can give you is figure out the prophecy and then you'll find me. You have until midnight."

I leaned forward for what felt like the last time and kissed him. It was sweet, bittersweet that it took us this long to get where we were, and it was perfect. Everything I always imagined it would be and more. However, just as it started to really get good the electricity to the house was cut. Cecil stopped and like everyone else, started looking around.

The door we'd both ignored for the duration quietly closed behind me without anyone doing it. I was the only one that noticed and not wanting to deal with what was coming, I buried my face in Cecil's shirt collar and hugged him tightly.

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