Chapter 6

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Next morning you walk out in the hallway. You had slept for a few hours after the hot chocolate, but you were still tired. You were dressed in a pair of black tights and a hot pink top, as ready as you could be to train with Natasha. It was going to suck because you hadn't train anything but a few running passes with Wyatt in the park. And you knew that Nat was going to hand your ass to you on the training mat. Steve sees you in the hallway.
"Y/N," he says and you turn to look at him.
"Steve," you say and flash him a small smile before you turn and walk away to the gym. You did not want to talk to him now. You were not ready yet, not some more time to yourself. No, what you needed right now was to get your ass kicked by Nat. Or needed and needed. You needed to talk to your friends and get some well-needed advice. There were still butterflies in your stomach when you saw Steve or talked to him. You still had feelings for him. Strong feelings.


When you walked into the gym you saw Nat and Wanda talking in the middle of the room. You know that they were waiting for you so you walk over to them.
"Bucky said he found you and Steve in the kitchen last night," Nat says smiling.
"Good Morning to you too," You say and start stretching. Wanda smirks and looks at Nat.
"So it's true," Nat says looking down at you.
"I couldn't sleep, so I made some hot chocolate and Steve came into the kitchen," you say shrugging your shoulders. "I shared my hot chocolate with him and then Bucky came in and I gave him some as well."
"If this was a few days ago, you would not have given Steve some of your hot chocolate," Wanda look knowingly at you.
"I know," you say fiddling with your hands. "I just.. I had a talk to Wyatt and I don't know.. I think.." Both women were hanging on your every word. They don't say anything.
"I think I want to give him another chance," you finally get out. "Or at least try to get our friendship back." They nod looking at each other smiling.
"I think that sounds like a great idea" Wanda beams at you.
"But if he hurts you again I will break him," Nat says stone cold.
"I don't think that will be an issue," Wanda mumbles so only Nat hears.
"Are we going to talk the whole day or should we train," you ask. They both understood that you wanted to drop the subject. So they let you.


You walk into the kitchen with Nat and Wanda, after your work-out. Tony is sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee.
"Ah, Y/N," Tony smiles at you. "Just the person I wanted to talk to." You take a water bottle from the refrigerator and sits down next to him.
"What do you want, Tony," You say and smile at him.
"It's your birthday in 6 days," he smirks at you. "Have you changed your mind about having a party?" You laugh at his hopeful face.
"No, Tony," you say and take a small sip of your water.
"Then how do you want to celebrate your birthday," Tony with a slight pout on his face.
"I would love a big family dinner here at the compound and then a movie night with pj's," you answered honestly. Tony had promised you that it would not be any party.
"Your wish is my command," Tony smirked and stands up pressing a small kiss to your forehead.
"Thank you, Tony," You smile at him.


Steve was happy that things started to get back to normal between Y/N and him. Or as normal as it could be between them after everything that had happened. They still hadn't talked about everything that had happened between them, but they talked to each other about other things. Y/N smiled at him sometimes and he tried his best to give her as much time and space as he could. He wanted to be by her side and it was hard. He knew he needed to talk to her sooner than later, but he was afraid of messing things up more. Instead, he tried to show her that he cared. Small things like giving her coffee in the morning, just the way she liked it or making sure that there always was a stock of marshmallows and chocolate in the cupboards in the kitchen. Steve was looking forward to spending Y/N birthday, with a family dinner. It was more much better than Tony's big parties and he hoped he was going to get a chance to talk to her, really talk to her. He needed to make things right between them, without fucking everything up again. He wanted to take her out on a real date, tell her that he was in love with her and wanted them together. In the end, it was all up to her, but he needed to be honest and try and do it the right way this time.

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