Chapter 1: Pitch Black

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What do I do now...? I actually look like a murderer. A knife in one hand that was used to kill. A box on the other hand that looks stolen. A lot of blood from the dead people. No matter how I look at it I look like a murderer. I don't even remember what I did last night. Who the hell am I. All I remember was that my family was killed last night. Wait a second. That girl. The girl from last night she knows something. She even tried to help me escape, but I think shes one of the police. What do I do now...

The guy with a suitcase comes closer and holds a megaphone...

"Kenshiro Akio, you are under arrest for the murder of 24 people last night, September 28. Do not resist arrest or we will open fire. There are currently 2 investigators, an exorcist and 73 police personel here surrounding you. We have snipers that can open fire in a single signal."

Damn. This is wrong. What the hell did I do. It looks like I will either get executed or killed on the spot. I have no other choice. I need to at least know why I ended up here. I need to surrender.

"Put your hands up and lay on the ground."

I need to raise my hands or i'll die. Wait. I sense something moving in my pocket again. My phone. 

Unsaved Contact : "If you want to get out of this, you need to run."

Unsaved Contact : "Don't worry trust me... remember ... I love you..."

What the hell... I look at the black haired girl. She smiles at me again, as if signaling. I have no other choice but to trust her. Who the hell is she anyways? Why is she helping me? Why did she kill my family? 

"If you do not move in 5 seconds we will open fire."

I have no time left to think. I raise my arms. The police lower their guns. The girl frowns, as if she was disappointed. I run back inside the house... damn why am I doing this?

"Open fire! I repeat, open fire !!!!"

I hear a lot of gunshots. Bullets fly around everywhere. I run as fast as i could to the opposite side of the room...

I fall down. Damn it. I see blood spilling from my body. I don't feel the pain, but I know that I'll die from loss of blood... I see the girl with a frown on her face. She comes near me... she wispers something...

"Good job."

She leaves and I can see her smiling. I feel cold. No pain, just coldness. Things get blured. I close my eyes. I don't even care anymore.


Pitch Black...

Nothing but absolute darkness...

I hear something. Someone...

"So this is the monster."

"Yeah. Killed 24 people yesterday."

"Hahahaha... people who send people to the morgue... usually end up there too."

"He died at 3:17 A.M."

"Hmmmm....I see so I will be the one to disect him."

"Do anything you want just give us the data afterwards."

"Alright... first I will experiment on how long his skin can last when burned."

"I heard ghouls have extremely durable bodies. Have fun with burning it. We had to use crimson bullets just to kill him. Have fun with your barbecue."

Everything goes silent again. So I'm dead. Why is it that I still hear things. I hear metal clanging. Wait a second. Something feels warm. Wait... I'm not dead!

I wake up. I'm inside an incinerator used for cremating patients. I kick the small door. My body is burned. I see my clothes on the floor. I'm in the morgue of some hospital. No one is around. I see a file on the table.

Name: Kenshiro Akio        Gender: Male        Age:17        Occupation: Student

Physical Features: 5'7 in height. 48 Kg in weight. Normal Build. White overgrown hair. Gray eyes. 

File Report: Suspect no.11324 a.k.a. Kenshiro Akio is suspected of being #5334 or nicknamed "Ghost". The suspect shows to be at the scenes of the crimes and show the same physical features. After 3 months of observation. S 11324 is seen with two suspected people. S 10452 and S 9233, thus confirming possible relation  to other paranormals. S 10452 is suspected to be the "Stray Cat" which terrorizes around the city and steals jewelry. S 9233 is suspected of being "Silent" the phantom who causes street accidents. After a certain killing spree S 11324 is confirmed to be the killer. After resisting arrest, S 11324 was shot to death at his home on 3:17 A.M.

So they think that I'm dead. Nobody is in this room. I don't know where I am. All I see are tiles and dead bodies everywhere. Dead bodies. I feel hungry. Ghoul. According to mythological monsters ghouls are beings that dig up graves and... eat the bodies...

 I don't remember anything. They say that I'm a ghoul. I feel extremely hungry, but I can't eat human flesh. I'm not sure if I'm a ghoul or they just suspected me.

I need to find out who I really am... and what the hell I am.

"I knew you would still be alive..."

It's the girl with black hair. She's holding a switchblade in one hand... and a human head on the other. I think that's the head of the guy who was planning on burning me.

Well. This is the end. She's probably here to kill me.

"This guy put up quite a fight." She plays with the head and then tosses it into a nearby thrashbin.

"I guess that you're here to kill me."

She flicks her long black hair. She fixes her black dress.

"I have no intention of doing that. We need to get you out of here and fast. They still think that you're being experimented on here. I think you have at least 20 min. before they realize you're not dead," she says to me in a serious tone. She has black eyes and a small scar on her left ankle. She suddenly catches me staring at her. She smiles like an angel but when I look at the blood on her hands and the switchblade, I realize that she's more like a demon than an angel.

"I have one warning for you, when you see people that aren't wearing black vests, run away as fast as you can and don't even try to attack them. You still don't remember much so just run and when you're outside, hide and find Takiko. He's a lazy looking person that lives in the address i gave you," she says while handing me a map with a circle that shows the location of where I need to go.

She walks back upstairs slowly disappearing into the darkness. I didn't even ask her name and why she helped me. I follow her upstairs and find myself on the end of a hallway. Damn where do I go now. I choose to run straight and to my surprise i see some people wearing black vests with the letters APCB on the back. Damn. They look at me and then draw guns. I quickly run away and turn down one of the corners. Suddenly red lights start to swirl. I hear someone broadcasting.

" Attention all personel. We have an escaped lamb. All personel remain alert for a white haired guy along the facility. Lockdown has been initiated all doors and windows will now close and all lights will be turned off. Everyone please wear your nightvision equipment."

All the lights suddenly turn off. I can't see that well. Its all black. I wait for my eyes to adjust. A few seconds pass and my eyes start to adjust when something bright flashes in front of me. It blinds me for a few seconds and then I see it. A flashlight. A guy wearing a lab coat holds it. I see his eyes meet mine. One of his eyes is green and the other is yellow. He has messy black hair.  He grins and laughs like a madman. He opens his mouth and starts talking.

"I found you, little lamb."




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