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The school day ended and Jisung just wanted to leave school quietly, but Minho came.

"I'm guessing that you're free today. Come with me." he just said.

"No." Jisung replied.

"Come on. Later we can meet with the others, they seem to like you."


"What else are you going to do? You'll just be lonely."

"No.." This no was different from the others. Minho was right, but why would Jisung go with him after he killed his best friend?

Minho didn't want to wait any longer and just pulled Jisung after him. As always. They just did some shopping and went to eat something afterwards. It was the first thing Jisung ate in a while.

"More like you'll be lonely." Jisung whispered. He didn't even get a task to do except for carrying some food.

"Excuse me?" Minho glared at Jisung for a second, but the younger one could tell that he wasn't really mad.

Afterwards they brought the stuff they got back to Minho's home and they went to meet Minho's friends. They went to the cinema and this time all Minho's friends were there. The dudes from before and the younger ones. Well, almost all. Chan-whatever wasn't there, but Chan said he'd come later. Jisung was not in the mood to watch a movie, but he had no choice. It was an action movie, but Jisung wasn't having it at all. He usually loved watching action movies, but it was not the same without Felix.

"Little boy and I have something to do. See you in school." Minho said and the others said goodbye to the two boys.

They went to some place without humans again. Jisung was already being used to this. He knew that Minho was going to get his drugs now. He didn't care anymore. Why would he worry about someone like Minho? He had no reason to.

"By the way, why don't you stay overnight? It's late and you're weak." Minho suggested, but Jisung wanted to go home. Minho decided to follow him home then.

"Go home."

"But you'll get hurt."

"So what? I don't want you to know where I live."

"I could easily find out anyways. Stop being dramatic."

Jisung was annoyed, he really was. "Just go. I'm almost there."

"Fine. If you're not in school tomorrow that's proof that you're just weak. Goodnight little boy."

Minho turned around and went back home. Jisung arrived at his home too. They both went to sleep.

When Jisung woke up, he realized that he didn't have his phone. He thought that he probably dropped it when he was calling Felix while being at Minho's.

"Great." Jisung said to himself. He got ready and went to school. There someone started talking to him. It was Jeongin, one of Minho's friends. He smiled and approached Jisung.

"Hello, little boy."

"I'm Jisung." He coldly replied.

"I see. Minho never told us your real name. I shall call you Jisung from now on. Let's go to class."

Jeongin was really positive and Jisung didn't like that. He didn't want Jeongin to smile at him. He wanted Felix to smile at him. In class Jeongin sat down next to Jisung, who felt hurt by it. He didn't want anyone except for Felix to sit there, but he didn't feel like opening his mouth.

Jeongin tried his best to make Jisung smile or at least say something, but whatever the younger one did, Jisung didn't show a single reaction.

During break Jisung got dragged to sit with the boys again and Jeongin got him some food. Jisung didn't really want to eat anything, but Jeongin was being so sweet that he couldn't say no when he asked him to eat. Jisung kind of liked Jeongin, he was nice. But he didn't like that he was smiling at him the way Felix used to.

"Seems like you two already got closer." Chan said and seemed happy about it.

The day passed by quickly and after school Jisung just had to do some homework for Minho and went home afterwards. It was a Friday, so he really didn't have anything to do. He would usually meet up with Felix or just call him and talk about whatever, but he couldn't do that anymore, so his weekend felt empty. He didn't have his phone either. He had basically nothing since most of his money was in the jacket he had when he was at Minho's home. He got something small to eat and just watched tv, which got boring quickly. Jisung let out a loud sigh. He decided to go to Minho. He wanted to get his stuff back. He just walked to where Minho lived and knocked at the door. Some seconds later, Minho stood in front of him. He didn't look the same as usually. He looked horrible.

"Little boy? What are you doing here?" He asked being totally stessed out.

"I want my stuff."

"You have to wait then.. You know what, great timing. Come with me." Minho got his shoes and started walking along with Jisung.

"Are you okay?" Jisung carefully and quietly asked, but Minho heard.

"Of course. I just need to get something."

Minho was too different. Something must've been going on. They arrived at a place which Jisung already knew. It was the building filled with drugs. Jisung usually didn't care, but he didn't like how different Minho was. When they got out of the building Jisung got mad.

"Stop it already!" He said and built a small wall in front of Minho.

"I don't have time for this now. Go away!" Minho pushed Jisung, who fell down, and kept walking.

Jisung then ran after Minho and threw the drugs away. The stuff flew over the floor and Minho's eyes wided.

"You! What do you think you're doing?" Minho came closer to Jisung who started shaking.

"It's better like this!"

"It's not! You know nothing! Just go away! I don't want to ever see you again!"

Before Minho could do anything to Jisung, the little boy ran away. He ran back home, but then noticed that he either left his keys at Minho's house or lost them on the way. Either way was bad and Jisung had nowhere to go. He wandled around the city in the middle of the night and looked for a place to stay, but there were creepy people walking through the streets, so Jisung just sat down in a library which was open until late at night.

He tried not to cry too loud and tried to think of where he could go. When the library closed, Jisung walked through the streets again. This time he saw Minho. He was entering a hotel.

author's note:
Next chapter will probably come on Sunday or Monday because I'll go on a trip for some days. Until then you can try to think of what Minho will do at the hotel (:

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