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Jisung woke up being covered with sweat. He thought about Minho until it got late and dreamed about him. Not only that bloody scene replayed, but some other scenes visited Jisung in his dreams as well. Scenes like Minho being violent, shouting at Jisung or getting drugs. Jisung wasn't sure whether his mind just made that up or whether it was real. It felt real at least.. Jisung knew that he had to talk about it. But he couldn't talk to Felix. No, Jisung had to talk to Minho. He was sure of it. He just told Felix that he decided to talk to Minho.

"Are you sure?" Felix asked.

"Yes. I have to find out the truth."

"Want me to be around?"

"I don't think you have to. We have to discuss this on our own."

"Alright.. You can always call me. I'll be right there."

"Thank you Felix."

The boys went to school together, but Jisung couldn't focus all day. Instead he thought about how to talk to Minho about everything. He wanted to talk to him as quickly as possible and figured that it would be the best if he talked to him right after school.

Right after school Jisung contacted Minho and asked to meet him as soon as possible. Minho asked whether they could meet up in a park then and Jisung agreed. He said bye to Felix and ensured him that it would be fine before he left to go to that park. There he sat down on some bench and waited for Minho, who arrived not soon after.

"I didn't expect you to contact me that quickly." Minho said and had a blank face as he wasn't sure how he should feel about this.

"Me neither, but I think I remember even more now.."

"What do you remember?"

"I remember all that bad stuff you did. You killing that person, screaming at me and hurting me both physically and mentally and-"

"Jisung I-"

"Let me finish." Minho just nodded "I only dreamed it, but your reaction tells me that it really has been this way.. But it just doesn't make sense to me. You are so different.."

"What you remembered there was right. I did stuff I shouldn't have done. I hurt others. I did illegal stuff and.. I also hurt you."

Minho looked down sadly and Jisung didn't know what to say now.

"Jisung.. I was the reason your life went downhill. I wanted to make things better now, but I think it's too late for that now. I hurt you too much. You're better off without me. I was egoistic, sorry."

"But.. I.. You.."

"I should leave. Goodbye."

Minho got up and just left. Jisung was now left alone, totally confused. He didn't know what to think. Things still didn't fit together. It still didn't make sense to him. Why did he feel so comfortable around Minho when he was the reason Jisung wanted to kill himself? Was that really everything? Was Minho really only this bad person? But why was he taking care of Jisung then? Why did he worry about him? Why did he visit him at the hospital? It all didn't make sense to Jisung. He just wanted to get his memories back. He wanted to remember everything and get a clear mind.

Jisung stayed out some longer and informed himself about how to get ones memories back. When he found some methods, he went back to Felix' house. Felix has been worried since it was already late, but Jisung told him that everything was fine. Not soon after they went to sleep then.

The next day. Today Jisung wanted to get back his memories. At least parts of them. He asked Felix for help and he immediately said yes. Jisung read that memories can come back if you're in a situation you've been before. They can randomly come back for no reason and they can come back if you hit your head. Jisung thought that these strategies may work best. He wasn't sure about the one where he's just put in a situation he has been before, because he thought he must've had more memories already if that worked. He checked the timetable and saw that he had PE class. Jisung thought he was lucky. He just had to somehow get his head hit by a ball or whatever. He already asked Felix to just hit his head, but he didn't want to hurt his friend.

Jisung was looking forward to PE class all day and was lucky, they played volleyball. He thought it was an easy task, but it wasn't. Getting hit by a ball on purpose was way harder than Jisung thought it would be. He then just asked his friends to hit his head hard once, but they all didn't really want to. Seungmin was thinking about it, but decided not to, because they weren't close and he didn't know how much pain Jisung could take.

Jisung was sad that no one wanted to hit him and thought of something else. He thought that if he just ran around a lot, he may fall and hit his head at some point. After school he went to the field behind the school and started running errands. He ran like some crazy person and his friends started to get seriously worried about him. He wouldn't stop running and no one knew what to do and how to help him.

Jisung kept running and running until something hit his head and he fell on the ground.

Author's note:
Me, forgetting to update this book? More likely than you think. But hey, tomorrow is my last day of school which means I have tons of time to write this book. I also think it won't be too long anymore. I just don't know how long a book like this should be, so I will slowly come to an end if I find one whoops
Also I just wanted to check how a new pfp would look and now I changed it but I have no regrets, it's adorable

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