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Taehyung's pov

Panting heavily, breathing ragged, l-leave me alone, I tried to scream out but I just couldn't, what's wrong with me? I continued running until I was pinned to what I could make out was a tree, I tried to look at the taller man, squinting my eyes only to see the cold dark evil orbes glare at me his tall tyrant figure hovering over me as I cower in fear, there he stood, Jeon Jungkook, he's mouth widened into a malicious skin crawling smile, as he spoke out..

'found you'

I gasped loudly, shooting out of the bed, into the bathroom taking my medication in which prevented me from passing out, I gripped tightly on to the sink, looking at myself in the dusty yet chipped mirror, what's wrong with me? I wanted to cry out but there's no point in it anymore, I just wanted to give up but it was my mum, my grandma keeping me here yet it was my father that I wanted to be with.

I went into my room, going downstairs making my grandparents and I some breakfast, I could gentle pitter patter of feet to see both my grandparents coming downstairs, "Good morning", greeting them with a gentle smile, "I made breakfast for you both, please sit down", they sat down asking me how I slept, telling them I slept well when in reality I didn't, I looked at the time as I needed to get to my job as it started in an hours time, "Grandma, I'm just going to get ready for work", she smiled and nodded taking the dishes into the kitchen as Grandpa sat down and watched television.

As I finished getting changed I saw that I had half an hour left, I grabbed my things kissing my grandparents goodbye, walking to the school, as it wasn't that far, a while later I was crossing the traffic lights and in the middle of the road someone had bumped into me, the man spoke with slight anger, 'watch where you're going' i began apologising to the man quickly crossing the road, I finally reached the school on time seeing little children playing around in the area, I smiled and entered the school.

I walked up to the school entrance, and saw two women at the office, I walked upto them telling them my name they gave me a teacher badge, I tried to hard not to squeal when they gave it to me, I was just so excited I couldn't believe it, when I knew i was alone I looked at the picture of me on my badge with my name displayed and the school name, I jumped up and down on the spot, "I can't believe ittt!!", after a couple of minutes squealing in joy, I coughed violently walking to the scheduled class I had on my timetable.

As I headed towards class my class I knocked on the door and opened it to see a beautiful yet tall man teaching younger children, he saw me and smiled, oh it was so beautiful, "Hi, welcome you must be the new teacher right", he held out his hands and I shook them, they're so soft! I mentally squealed inside, I smiled back, "I'm Park Bogum, nice to meet you, these are my clever angels who are the smartest little children ever", I smiled at him and the children as they sat tall and proud, their little feet not reaching the floor as they gently swung them back and forth, I bowed to him, "Nice to meet you too I'm Kim Taehyung, and I'll do all I can for these children to be fluent in English", I then turned towards the children, "Nice to meet you all", giving them a friendly smiling, they all stood up standing beside their desks bowing as they spoke in sync, "Nice to meet you Mr Kim", sitting back down in their little chairs, I was in awe these children are so well behaved and the teacher is fricking hot, I'm gonna have a great time here I thought.

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