Chapter 6- We lost 3 more kids!

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Dad's POV

Last night my 3 year old daughter ran off because she got scared. Now it's 10:30 the next morning and we haven't found her yet. We also can't find Jamie, Logan or McKenna. My sons Blake, Hunter, Caleb, Noah, my daughter Kendyl and I headed back to the RV for breakfast. We all ran back together. When we got there my wife was sitting outside the RV watching my son Griffin and daughter Mia play in the meadow. I said, "Honey, we can't find Ella, Jamie, Logan or McKenna. They're all lost." My wife said, "We have to find help, Jamie, Logan and McKenna are probably just looking for Ella and they wandered far." I said, "I called their names they must have not heard me I guess. We have to find the police. Has anyone driven by yet?" My wife said, "No, it's weird how no one drove by last night or this morning. It's like everyone is on vacation." I made all my kids go inside the RV. My wife handed me baby Gabe while she held baby Brooklyn. She started crying while looking at baby Brooklyn. She said, "Peter, what if we don't find them?" I said, "Kate relax, we will find them." She said, "I want Ella to grow up with Brooklyn, she loves her baby sister. I need Jamie to help babysit, all the kids love her. I want McKenna back, her sister Mia needs her." My wife was now crying like crazy and my son Hunter came and took Brooklyn and Gabe inside. I said, "Sweetie it's gonna be fine. They will be back by lunch I promise." My wife said, "I need my Logie back, Griffin needs him. I want my babies back Pete." I was cuddling my wife trying to calm her down and tell her everything was ok.

Blake's POV

My sisters and baby brother were missing. I was getting angry. I felt like God took them away from me. Even though we weren't sure if they were dead or not I felt like they were. It felt like god took their beautiful souls from me. I wanted to hurt someone. Maybe the person who took them. At this point if they weren't dead I knew someone took them. I had to go out and look around myself because no one was doing anything. We were all sitting in the RV acting like idiots doing nothing when 4 innocent little kids were out there all alone with some kidnapper. I looked at the clock and it was 12:45. I headed outside and my mom said, "Where are you going?" I said, "To my find my sisters and brother." I ran as fast as I could. I had been running for 10 minutes. I came upon a group of trees. I saw a mailbox and then I kept walking. I soon saw a house. It was a yellow cottage. I got the weirdest feeling when I saw the house. I knew my siblings were in there. I went up to the door and started banging on it. A lady answers and I charged inside. I yelled, "Where's my sisters and brother?" The lady said, "I don't know what you're talking about young man." I shouted, "That's bullshit and you know it. Now where are they. I took out my pocket knife and held it near her face. The lady said, "Young man, no need for a pocket knife, I said I don't know what you're talking about." I shouted, "Jamie, McKenna, Logan, Ella, where are you?" I heard shouting but it sounded faint and coming through a vent. It went silent and then all I heard was shouting. I walked over to the vent in the walkway. It was right near a closet. I shouted, "Guys, it's me, Blake, can you hear me?" They were shouting for my help. I said, "Hey lady, give them to me and I won't hurt you." I aimed the knife at her and followed her until she was against the wall. She reached out her hand to the table and opened the drawer and pulled out a gun. I quickly put my pocket knife away. She said, "Look kid, if you don't shut up I will shoot you." I said, "Don't shoot lady, I just want my brother and sisters back." The lady said, "My name is Rachel. And I'm afraid I can't give you them." She started following me back up against the closet door. She opened it and told me to go in. I didn't want to. She said, "Go in or I'll shoot." I started crying and said, "Please don't make me. Please don't shoot. Here take my pocket knife." The lady took it and still aimed the gun at me. Through my tears I said, "Please don't. I'll do whatever you want." The lady said, "Go in the closet." I went in and she slammed the door. I said, "Wait, can I make you a deal?" The lady said, "What?" She opened the closet door and I said, "If you let me go I promise not to tell and I can bring you back more little kids if you want." The lady said, "If I let you go and you tell I will find you and kill you. If I can trust you then how can I be sure you'll bring me more kids?" I said, "I have 12 brothers and sisters." The lady said, "Wow, well you have a deal. Just remember, if I find out that you told anyone or the cops then you will never see your little sisters and brother again." I sat up and ran out of the cottage. I started running away as quickly as I could. When I got back to the RV I knew I couldn't tell anyone. I know what I have to do now.

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