Chapter 7

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              ~~ I'm not jealous, I'm territorial~~

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~~ I'm not jealous, I'm territorial~~

It's been 3 weeks. Hendery has not been visiting me a lot, he says he's busy and fine with that. I still watch his performance and go to his award parties and whatever. Also in the last 3 weeks, I graduated from college and got into Chanel and Louis Vuitton modeling career. I got interviewed and was so scared for a whole week if I was going to walk the runway or not. They sent me an email saying that I was, I was so happy I called Hendery and told him. Louis Vuitton And Chanel announced that I was a new model and people recognized me because of Hendery.

But before the runway— which is going to be in Paris— I had to model in a studio and practice my cat walk. I stayed up late every night practicing walking in high heels, keeping my back straight, not letting emotions on my face and other stuff. Today is Paris fashion week, I'm going to Paris alone but I have to say goodbye to WayV first. They are a Kpop group I care about, I HAVE to say goodbye.

I wore my shoes and got in my Uber to the SM building, I went in and to their practice room after greeting the receptionists. I saw the practicing for their dance Takeoff and they had it down really well. I open the door and smile standing behind them till they finish. After they were done, yangyang looked back and smiled. "Hi moon!" He ran to me as I give him a hug. "Hey," I smile "I stopped by to say goodbye" I said letting go of yangyang. Hendery looked at me panicked "what do you mean?! You are leaving us? Me?!" He says, "no Hendery, I'm going to Paris fashion week. I told you on the phone!" I said as he sighs in relief.

"My flight is In 3 hours, so I have to get going. But I can't go without hugs, can I?" I smiled as I hug them one by one. I hugged Hendery last and when I went to pull away he held me tighter. "H-Hendery I need to go" I giggle "just 5 more minutes " He says as I look at Kun for help. "Not my fault" he says walking away smiling. "Kun~~"I whine as he chuckles at me. I look at xiaojun and he shakes his head, lucas he laughed, winwin had heart eyes, and ten was busy fake gagging. "It's been five minutes Hendery" I say. "It went by fast" he pouts as I sigh, "FaceTime me when you get there, don't let males touch you, eat well, rest a lot, don't tire yourself out, don't be nervous it's going to be ok, and don't look at other men" he says as my eyes widen.

"Is that all?" I sigh, "yea, that's all" he says "ok well, bye guys" I say Hendery smiled at me and placed a long kiss on my lips. They guys gasp "YOU didn't tell me about this!" Ten glared at me, "my flight!"I panic running away "LEE MOON!" Ten yelled as I giggle running faster and to my Uber.

                                  •      •      •

When we landed I went to go get my bags when I see people with cameras running. Someone famous might be here. I got my back when suddenly the cameras point at me huh? Me? I'm new though I smile at them and walked away as they walk with me, the guards at the airport come rushing to me and trap me in a circle for the fans not to get to me I don't like calling them fans, it makes them sound like ordinary people, they are friends, my friends not fans I kept walking till I got into the car.

I went to my hotel and FaceTime Hendery as soon as I got there "babe!" He said as I giggle "hi" I smile at him "how is practice?" I asked "good, we are preforming in 5 minutes, and after that we are going somewhere " he said "oh that's nice, take care and tell the other members to take care. I have to go, my show is at 9 and it's 7, I'll see you later!" I say and hang up.

My manger came in and told me I had to leave to get ready, man I'm nervous.

• • •

It was day 4 of fashion week. I haven't been talking to Hendery, because he never picks up. He's probably busy, I got ready for the show, models are already going out and I was afraid. I walked to the curtains and waited till I was called "Moon, go" He said as I take a deep breath, I walk. Cameras were pointed at me, people smiling. I walk through the people and saw familiar faces. Wayv, Hendery. He's here? I walk past till I get to the end, ready to go in. My heels break as I trip, but I keep walking to get inside. Oh my god, the embarrassment. Sweat was going down my face, I messed up. I messed up I messed up! "No no no," I panic "Moon Relax" Said the makeup artist "I messed up... I messed up, I messed up!" I panic even more, "it was the heel not you! You are ok, I'm sure no one saw it" she says rubbing my back.

The show was over, and I had packed up my stuff. As I leave, fans or friends scream my name and pushed me around. I walk to the car when a male model came up to me "nice work, considering it's your first time. People normally mess up, but you did great " he smiled at me "thank you, it means a lot" I smile back

"You're really pretty" He grabs my waist uh please don't touch me "do you want to go out sometime?" He smirks down at me "um, I- " But is Hendery really my boyfriend? He never asked me out or made it official. He just claimed that I was his. "She has a boyfriend" Hendery says grabbing me, putting his face in my neck "damn man, I had her before you" the guy says "she isn't an object we race about" Hendery said. "Are you jealous? Because I got her first? And she's going to be mine?" He says "I'm not jealous," Said Hendery "I'm territorial" he said and bit my neck. "Oh" I sigh as I feel Hendery smirk

"Go on man, we have a date to be in" Hendery Said grabbing me and leaving the guy. I look back and saw him smirking at us, a creepy smirk...

OoOooO what do you think will happen? Don't forget to vote and comment 💓💓

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