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Rosalie Evans, 2 years in the future

It didn't hurt. In fact, Rosalie felt nothing besides the warm drops of blood running down her cheeks, as she laid down on the grass, her face covered by her mask and a thick layer of sweat.

Wakanda was a quiet place, unusually quiet for the situation at hand. There was a war happening as the girl rested her tired body, and the soundless battlefield was certainly not a good sign. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds, secretly enjoying the peace she felt after hours of punching bodies and escaping eminent death.

Then, the silence and lack of pain transformed. Her entire body was assaulted by an excruciating pain, starting on the tip of her toes and travelling all the way up her body.

Faint whispers filled her mind with sorrow, reminding her of her own curse. Her arms screamed in pain as she lifted them to clutch her head in between her hands. The noise was unbearable, something the blonde had never felt before.


There was no other way.

This is no place to die.

I don't feel so good.

Rosalie let out a strangled scream, hot tears burning paths down her dusty cheeks. The voices were unclear, too tangled within each other for her to recognise who was speaking, but every word carved a knife on the young girl's heart. Every syllable twisted the invisible object on her chest, slowly and effectively torturing her.

All she could feel now was fear. Everyone's fears were coming from all around her and entering her fragile body. She couldn't fight them, not now. She was too weak.

A hand shot up from the river bank below her, a deafening yell coming from her right. She had an idea of who was there. Wakanda's king and his companion had been fighting off some of Thanos' army by her side, just before she was blasted away by one of their weapons.

The hand belonged to Natasha, as the woman quickly appeared by her side, aiding the younger girl as she tried -and failed- to stand on her own two feet, still blinded by the excruciating pain. No words were spoken between the pair, both too confused and hurt to ask questions.

Rosalie was sure something bad was happening as she struggled to stand. Suddenly, her heart started beating like a ticking bomb, the blonde girl confused by the sudden change. Natasha was holding her tightly against her side, but even her strength wasn't enough to hold the girl when she felt it.

I don't feel so good.

I don't know what's happening.

I don't wanna go.

Those were the same words she had heard a few seconds ago. The same words, but now she could definitely tell who had whispered them.

And the realisation hit her hard on the chest, chattering her heart. Rosalie's face turned as white as snow, her hands gripping Natasha's biceps as strongly as she could.

"What is it?" The older woman asked, slightly startled by the girl's sudden actions. "What is going on, Rose?"

A sob made its way out of Rosalie's throat. No words could describe the pain she felt at that moment. Her entire body was shutting down, leaving her limp body to Natasha's care. Her mind blindly searched for a heartbeat, for an intake of breath. For anything that could tell her this wasn't happening.

As ash rose to the sky, millions of people disappeared at the snap of a finger. Millions of people gone in a second, reduced to ashes and dust. Rosalie understood exactly what was going on.

Thanos had won.

Millions of people were dying and Rosalie felt it. She felt their fear. The fear of leaving their loved ones behind; the fear of never coming back; the fear of failing an entire nation.

Among all those emotions, Rosalie could feel her worst fear rising and she realised that it was now becoming reality.

The blonde stopped breathing, nodding her head slowly and letting her senses control her. Rosalie Evans felt like she failed everyone she loved, specially him.

Rosalie knew. She felt it.

She was existing in a world where Peter Parker didn't survive a mission. And it hurt like hell.

it's coming!

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